Page 206 of The Upper Crush

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When it was made, Henry passed the cup to James and indicated a round table by the window. ‘Please, take a seat.’

James sat, and Henry joined him, holding a glass of water between his hands.

Not knowing how to start the conversation, James took a sip of his coffee and gazed out of the window. A couple of metres away was a lightweight mesh fence, designed to keep festival punters from trampling on the flower beds and sticking their noses through the windows. Beyond the fence, the grounds were a hive of activity. His chest filled with a rush of pride. He couldn’t believe they’d got this far.

Sensing Henry waiting for him to speak, James put his cup down and focused on the man he’d behaved so badly towards for so long. Guilt and remorse choked him. The fault had never been Henry’s. It had arisen from James’s own insecurities and jealousy.

‘I want to apologise.’ His voice sounded like he’d been gargling gravel.

Henry’s eyes widened slightly, as if shocked to hear those words coming from his mouth.

James cleared his throat. ‘I have a lot to be sorry for, and I know one conversation won’t be enough to repair the damage, but I wanted to make a start.’

Henry inclined his head slightly, as if encouraging him to go on.

‘I was envious of you when we were at school,’ James said. ‘I thought you had it all. I expected you to be brash, loud and confident—characteristics I believed held the most value, and was irritated when you weren’t.’

He took another sip of his espresso, letting the bitter flavour coat his tongue, then swallowed.

‘Since the age of seven, I’d created the persona of James Hunter-Savage. On the one hand, it was a house of cards that could fall at any time, and on the other, it became a role I embodied so completely, I didn’t think I could be anyone else, or act in a different way.’

Henry didn’t move a muscle, as if the slightest movement might break the spell.

‘So, it became easy and instinctive to act like a twat towards you and never question why I behaved that way. I made it your fault when it was entirely my own.’

He stared at the coffee cup. ‘About a year and a half ago, I got drunk with Dad and bragged about the deals I was brokering. Without my knowledge, he took that information and used it to make a mint on the stock market. I was then accused of insider trading.’

James sighed. ‘I believed if I proved my value to Conqueror, they wouldn’t let me go. So, I stole your deal.’ He brought his gaze to meet Henry’s. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘Is that why you left?’

He nodded. ‘Dad bought BDE as an apology gift, but he cocked that up as well, not holding the owners to a non-compete clause, and changing the name. When I took it over, the bank account was empty and there was only one client, the Foxbrooke estate. On top of that, Dad’s business deals had gone south, so he needed me to make the festival work or he and Mum would lose their home. But I was left with only two-thirds of the original budget. Then Dad got arrested in China…’

‘Does Estelle know any of this?’

‘Yes. But my budget cutting has had consequences. I’ve just found out that Max, the guy I fired at the start of the year, has been posting in Facebook groups that the fence isn’t strong enough, and where’s best to breach it.’

Henry rubbed his head. ‘What options do you have?’

‘None, financially. The only personal asset I have left to strip is my London flat, but I can’t sell that or re-mortgage within the next forty-eight hours.’

‘How can I be of assistance?’

Henry’s words pricked at James’s heart. James had been an arsehole to Henry for nearly twenty years, and yet now he was offering to help.

He swallowed his emotion. ‘I need extra bodies to beef up the security. Preferably big men with faces only a mother could love.’

A smile tugged at the corner of Henry’s mouth. ‘I know at least one man that fits that description.’

‘Your mate Finn?’

‘You know him?’

‘I’ve met him a couple of times. He’d be perfect.’

Henry nodded. ‘Well, if he’s free, then that’s one. I’ll get calling and see what I can do.’

‘Please don’t tell Estelle.’

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