Page 21 of The Upper Crush

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She glanced away from the direction of the livery. The estate James’s parents had bought was only a few fields away. Before she could second-guess herself, she whistled to Chester and Joy and nudged Duke in the direction of the house.

Trotting forward, Duke brought her to the top of a small hill that overlooked the back of the manor.

Standing for two hundred and fifty years, Shoscombe Manor was built at the height of interest in Palladian architecture and was simple and elegant. The formal gardens at the rear of the building were based around geometric patterns, with box hedges and gravel paths in between.

Lights were on in the house, but Estelle couldn’t see inside. Curiosity getting the better of her, she nudged Duke down the hill to get a better look.

Less than fifty yards away, a man stepped out from behind a tall yew hedge and gazed at her.


With dusk falling, and the lights from the building behind him, Estelle couldn’t make out his face.

He lifted his hand in greeting.

Chester growled, and Duke’s ears pricked up.

Estelle raised her bow and fitted an arrow, aiming for James’s chest.

He stepped fully into view and stood, his legs apart and both arms away from his body, giving her a bigger target to hit.

Arrogant fucker.

Dipping the bow ever so slightly, she let the arrow fly. It thudded into the ground, right between his feet.

James didn’t flinch.

Wheeling Duke around, she urged him to a canter and took off up the hill, Chester and Joy barking at her side.


From: James Hunter-Savage

To: Estelle Foxbrooke

Subject: Moving forward

Dear Ms Foxbrooke,

I’m emailing to request a meeting at your earliest convenience to discuss a road map for the partnership between yourself, on behalf of the Foxbrooke estate, and BDE Entertainment.

As of tomorrow, BDE will have moved from Bath to Shoscombe Manor. This is where you will be working from the start of next year.

You can contact me via this email address or the mobile number below. Please do not arrive at the manor house without prior warning. There has been an incident with a local warrior, and we need to ensure the area is secure before you visit.

Kind regards,

James Hunter-Savage

From: James Hunter-Savage

To: Estelle Foxbrooke

Subject: Meeting up before the Christmas break

Dear Ms Foxbrooke,

In accordance with the season and the spirit of goodwill to all women and men, I would like to arrange a meeting with you in the next couple of days. I hope this will reassure you our relationship going forward will be mutually beneficial. You can reach me via email or the number below.
