Page 210 of The Upper Crush

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‘Estelle—’ Henry began.

‘It doesn’t matter to you, does it?’ she continued, addressing James. ‘Because as soon as it’s over, you’re out of here. You don’t care if the Foxbrooke festival falls on its arse and never gets up again. You only care about you.’

James shook his head. ‘That’s not true.’

‘You might as well leave right now.’

‘Estelle!’ Henry shouted.

‘What?’ she yelled.

James took a step back, his hands raised as if trying to defuse the situation. ‘I’m going to do a walk through. I’ll be on my radio.’ He nodded at Henry, then turned and left.

‘Why do you have to be such a bitch?’ Summer whispered. ‘He’s actually really nice once you get to know him.’

‘Summer—’ Henry began.

‘And how well have you been getting to know him?’ Estelle spat.

‘Oh, puh-lease. You’re just—’

‘Summer! Shut it!’ Henry barked. ‘Please, can you go and social-media something? Anything. Just make the festival look good.’

Summer tossed her hair. ‘Easy peasy, I’ll throw a few more selfies out there.’ She glanced at Estelle. ‘You need to let this go. James isn’t my type and I’m certainly not his.’ She gave her a wink, then flounced off.

Estelle hung her head. ‘Dammit,’ she muttered.

Henry took her hand and pulled her in for a hug. ‘It’s going to be okay. I promise.’

‘How?’ she murmured against his shoulder. ‘He’s going to ruin everything.’

‘No, he’s not.’ Henry rubbed her back. ‘He discussed what to do about the fake tickets with me and Summer and I think his solution is excellent.’

Estelle pulled away. ‘But he didn’t discuss it with me, did he?’

Henry sighed. ‘Time was of the essence and he didn’t want you to have to worry about it.’

‘So now I’ve got to worry instead about the council shutting us down?’

‘It’ll be fine. James is right. It won’t feel crowded and they’ll never be able to count everyone.’

Estelle stared in shock at her brother. ‘Are you feeling okay? Since when did you have a single nice thing to say about James Hunter-Savage?’

He gave her a rueful smile. ‘My feelings towards him have changed.’

‘Say what now?’

‘I like him. Underneath the swagger, he’s genuinely nice.’

‘Nice?’ Estelle blinked rapidly, then scanned the sky.

‘What is it?’

‘I’m looking for Ham Solo and Chewbaccon. They must be flying by now.’

Henry chuckled.

‘Are you being serious? You don’t hate him anymore?’
