Page 215 of The Upper Crush

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‘I’m not going anywhere, love,’ he said to her. ‘I’m right here.’

Estelle stepped back, a lump in her throat. She wanted someone to look at her the same way, as if her pain was their pain, and nothing mattered more than her comfort and happiness.

A thought suddenly struck her. Was this what Eveline was going to go through in a couple of months’ time?

I doubt she’ll be in a medical tent at a festival, dumbass.

Shut-up. You know what I mean—all the pain.

God’s on her side. She’ll probably orgasm with every contraction.


One of the nurses arrived with a wheelchair and they helped the woman into it. Estelle took the couple’s bags and led the way to the car park in front of the main gates where the ambulance met them.

She waved the couple off, then took the wheelchair back to the medical tent, taking a moment to look around with eyes truly open.

It’s a success.

Everyone she could see was smiling. From the caterers sweating in their food trucks to the punters queuing for burgers, beer or ice cream. From the paid and voluntary staff, to the acts, most of whom were staying for the whole festival once they’d performed.

Despite all the drama, they’d managed to pull it off. At least on one level… Financially, it was a completely different matter. She only hoped that over the next week, when all the money was accounted for, they had enough to pay their staff. Guilt sat in her stomach like a corroding battery, slowly dripping acid. Estelle had wondered if there was anything she owned that could be sold, but nothing would have raised enough money.

She radioed Carly, then went to the front of the manor to wait for her. She didn’t need to be there to greet the Spice Cadets, but she hadn’t seen James since the start of the festival and was desperate to know he was actually still in Somerset, and not just a voice crackling through her radio.

Since her conversation with Henry, she’d tried to find time to speak to James, but the moment one crisis had been averted another popped up demanding her immediate attention. James was also spending a lot of time at the festival perimeter and had apparently paid for Leia and Ben to feed all the volunteers who were guarding the fence. Although Estelle had no idea where he’d found the money to pay for that.

‘Hey, boss!’

‘I don’t want to jinx anything,’ Estelle said as Carly came to her side, ‘but I think we’ve nearly pulled it off.’

‘Yep. And UberGraft are already on site so we’ve got our headliners.’

‘Thank god for that. Is running a festival always this stressful?’

Carly grinned. ‘That’s what makes it fun. It’s a rollercoaster running on adrenaline, luck and the right kind of weather.’

Estelle glanced at the cloudless sky. ‘My best mate’s the local vicar. She must have been praying for us twenty-four-seven.’

‘Well, something’s obviously worked. Shall we wander to the main gate? James should be here soon.’

Estelle’s heart sped up at the thought of seeing him again.

‘I haven’t had a chance to say thank you,’ Carly said as they strolled down the main drive.

‘For what?’

‘This job, the experience, being so cool. Everything really. I know it’s been a nightmare for you, especially with James in China for so long, but you’ve been amazing throughout all of it.’

‘Oh. Er, thank you.’ Estelle didn’t know what else to say. She’d tried her best, but wasn’t sure if she’d always succeeded.

‘And I couldn’t believe it when this month’s wages popped into my account. We all thought we’d have to wait weeks to be paid.’


‘You paid all the BDE staff yesterday.’

‘What? All of you?’
