Page 220 of The Upper Crush

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‘Thanks, Stelle,’ Scott said. ‘Sounds great.’

The group strolled across the field, then Estelle led them around the back and up onto the stage itself.

‘So this is the rockstar view,’ Connor murmured as he gazed out over the parkland.

Estelle stood by his side. ‘You don’t fancy it then?’

‘Never. I’m quite happy with my little life, thank you very much.’

As midnight approached, more people arrived. Eveline and Jack were tucked up asleep, but Estelle’s other close friends and family were there, as well as all the key staff from BDE Entertainment.

James was nowhere to be seen.

Just as she was about to start without him, he arrived with his mum and dad. Kevin seemed different, slower in his movements and less vital. Bev had a frown etched into her features as she watched him.

Estelle went to their side. ‘Are you okay?’ she asked Kevin.

‘I’m fine, babe.’

Estelle glanced at James.

‘Dad was diagnosed with angina on Tuesday and had a stent fitted.’

Estelle’s hand flew to her chest. ‘Oh, my god!’

Kevin took her hand and squeezed it. ‘Babe, I’m fighting fit. Don’t you worry about me.’

‘I’m so sorry.’

‘No need. I’ll be right as rain by next week.’

‘Let me get you a chair.’

‘I don’t need—’ Kev began, but Estelle ignored him and dashed backstage, returning with two folding ones.

‘Sit down,’ Bev said to her husband. ‘Or we’re going straight home.’

Kevin made a series of grumbling noises, but allowed James to seat him and Bev at the side of the stage.

‘Are you going to make a speech now?’ James asked Estelle.

She nodded, words temporarily deserting her as she revelled in being so near to him again. His scent, his warmth, his strength, all drew her in until all she wanted to do was close the gap between them.

‘I see your parents have brought champagne. Do you want me to help pass it out?’

She nodded. ‘Thank you.’

They handed out paper cups and bottles, then James stood to one side behind her and she took centre stage.

‘Thank you all so much for coming to this small celebration for what has been a very big event,’ she began, meeting everyone’s gaze. ‘We couldn’t have done this without each and every one of you. Whether you handled contract and rider negotiations with artists, wrote endless risk assessments, scared wannabe fence-jumpers off, or sat for hours entertaining total strangers, all of you made this happen.’

Even though she couldn’t see James, she sensed his presence and it electrified her.

‘I want to recite to you the only poem I ever learnt at school. I think the reason I liked it was because it was about horses… “For want of a nail the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe the horse was lost. For want of a horse the rider was lost. For want of a rider the battle was lost. For want of a battle the kingdom was lost. And all for the want of a horseshoe nail”.’

She held up her cup of champagne.

‘I expect this will be the first time in your life you’ve ever been likened to a nail, a shoe, or even a horse. But in this analogy, the battle was the festival, and the kingdom is my family’s home. We won’t know the final figures until next week, but thanks to you we’ve at least broken even, and showed the council and community just what kind of event we’re capable of putting on here.’
