Page 225 of The Upper Crush

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James dropped to his knees, hitched her legs over his shoulders, and buried his face in her pussy.

Estelle let out an incoherent cry as pleasure shot through her. It was as if her clit had been building a charge for days, and the touch of his tongue released it with a sudden crack of lightning.

Shaking, she grabbed handfuls of his hair, holding on for dear life as he licked, sucked and flicked her clit. His tongue was so fast she couldn’t keep pace with the sensations. Feelings spun and splintered, her body twisting and tumbling, turning itself inside out as it hurtled towards the point of no return.

There was nothing she could do to stop it. She was at the crest of a wave as it thundered towards shore, and all she could do was wait for it to break.

James groaned into her pussy and the vibrations were the tipping point for an orgasm so sudden and so powerful, the breath was knocked from her lungs. Throwing back her head with a silent scream, the climax crashed through her, pummelling every cell with pleasure until she was drowning in it.

She clung to James’s hair as he held her fast to the bed, anchoring herself to some form of reality as every muscle shuddered with sensation. Just as she felt she might pass out, the intensity began to ebb, and her breath returned in gasps.

‘Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.’

She thought James might let her catch her breath, but the flat of his tongue swept up her length, then he flicked the tip over her clit.

‘Ah!’ Her toes curled at the shock of pleasure.

He did it again. Then again, the time between each pass and flick getting shorter and shorter, until his tongue was vibrating faster than she could process and another orgasm coiled inside her. Lifting her hands from James’s head, she rolled her hardened nipples between her fingers and thumbs. Electricity arced down to her core, lighting the touch paper of her climax.

‘I’m gonna come,’ she cried. ‘I’m gonna come!’

His response was to thrust two fingers inside her, rubbing the tips against her G-spot as he sucked her clit hard into his mouth.

She screamed as blinding pleasure tore up her body. Convulsing on the bed, her pussy gushed as if to put out the fires scorching through every cell.

The aftershocks kept coming, but underneath them all, a deeper seismic shift was occurring, cracking her open. The love she had for James was an ocean, vast and fathomless. Emotion swelled through her and she grabbed his hair, pulling him up so he was lying on her, then wrapped her arms and legs around him, never wanting to let go.

‘I love you, and it’s terrifying,’ she whispered in his ear.

He huffed, then his head raised.

Estelle’s heart skipped several beats, then restarted at double time. James looked like a fallen angel with fire in his eyes, gazing at her as if she were the beginning and end of his world.

He stroked a curl from her forehead. ‘We can be terrified together.’

‘But no-one else can know.’

He smiled. ‘Most definitely not. Estelle Foxbrooke and James Hunter-Savage don’t know the meaning of the word “fear”. You eat horseshoes for breakfast, and I chow down on—what did you say last year? “The trampled remains of my enemies”?’

She grinned. ‘Only when you’ve exhausted your supply of babies.’

‘Ah yes, I remember now.’

‘I’m so sorry I was such a dick to you.’

He kissed her brow. ‘Don’t be. It was fucking hot. I never thought being metaphorically kicked in the balls was such a turn on.’

‘I promise I’ll be nicer to you in the future.’

He shook his head. ‘Don’t make an effort to be anyone other than yourself. You’re perfect just the way you are.’

Insecurity suddenly stabbed her stomach. ‘Are you sure you’re happy to live here?’

A smile lit up his face. ‘Is that an invitation? I can bring my things over later today.’

‘I mean, in Somerset!’

He raised an eyebrow.
