Page 23 of The Upper Crush

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Estelle huffed. ‘Of course it is. He sent me an email this morning informing me of a hurricane in the Caribbean and “expressing his concern” that I might have been caught up in it.’

Eveline giggled. ‘You could just talk to him?’

Estelle didn’t reply.

‘And you know what Henry said about the contract being watertight?’

She let her silence continue.

‘I thought you’d reconciled yourself to this?’

Estelle shrugged. She knew there was no way of getting out of it, but James unsettled her in a way no person, no man, had ever done before. It was as if she’d spent her life sailing the seven seas, dealing with squalls and tempests, but now, just as she’d thought she’d got control of her ship, it had been pirated by a sea monster and steered into uncharted waters.

It felt safer to ignore James and pretend the next year wasn’t actually going to arrive, even though it was less than two weeks away.

Eveline opened the small wooden gate that led into the churchyard. ‘And he’s been pleasant in his communications?’

‘He’s a snake with a forked tongue.’

‘A forked tongue? Now that does sound exciting.’

Estelle nearly dropped the tray she was carrying.

‘Eveline Newton! I can’t believe those words just came out of your pious little mouth! What has Jack done to you?’

Her friend gave her a cheeky grin. ‘Many, many things…’

‘Oh, my god! I want to wash my ears out with soapy water!’

Eveline giggled. ‘We are married, you know.’

‘Humph. Well, anyway. Enough of the sexy talk from you, Missy. From now on, the only kind of sausage you’re allowed to refer to are the pig-related ones.’

‘Deal,’ Eveline replied, pulling the heavy church door open so Estelle could carry the tray through.

Saint Saviour’s usually smelled of old wood and incense, but once a month it was filled with the aroma of sausage rolls and hot dogs. On ‘Sausage Saturday’, Eveline used the pork she reared in her back garden to feed anyone who came by. If you were struggling financially, everything was free. If you weren’t, you could make a donation and the money was given to a local food bank.

Jack was already inside, along with Henry and his girlfriend, Libby, by a row of trestle tables. As soon as Jack saw Eveline, his eyes lit up. He stepped forward as if it had been half a lifetime, not half an hour since he’d last seen her.

A sudden stab of loneliness pierced Estelle’s chest, but she covered it with a smile. She strode towards her brother with the tray. ‘This is the last one.’

‘Thanks,’ he replied, taking it from her and placing it on the table, perfectly aligned with all the others.

Estelle leaned forward and nudged it out of place.

Henry sighed and moved it back.

Reaching out, she pushed at the corner.

‘Stelle…’ came Jack’s voice behind her.

‘What?’ she asked, turning to him.

He gave her a look. ‘Stop winding him up.’

Eveline was nestled into the side of his body as if Jack was her love-duvet. The sight made Estelle’s eyes prickle with emotion. She was so happy for her friends, but it was a visceral reminder of what was missing from her own life.

‘Okay, okay,’ she huffed, turning back to the emotional safety net of annoying her brother.
