Page 25 of The Upper Crush

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‘No way. You can’t do that.’

Her brother’s gaze was filled with compassion. ‘It’s the least I can do. For the last decade, you’ve managed our parents and the estate and allowed me the life I had in London. Buying your freedom is nothing in comparison.’


‘The cottage isn’t going anywhere and we’re happy to keep living at the manor. I’m just annoyed with myself for not thinking of this solution sooner. I’m sorry, Estelle.’

‘Henry, you can’t.’

‘Yes, I can. You’re my sister, and there’s no way in hell you’re spending another moment in that arsehole’s company.’

There was a knock at the door and Eveline entered.

‘Sorry to disturb you both,’ she began, ‘but quite a lot of people have just shown up. Would you be able to come and help?’

Estelle got to her feet. ‘Yes, of course.’

‘Has he gone?’ Henry asked.

Eveline hesitated. ‘No, but everything is in hand. Would you be able to suffer him in silence for the next couple of hours?’

‘Sorry. I’ll conduct myself properly. I promise.’

‘Thank you, that is most appreciated.’ Eveline gazed at Estelle and raised an eyebrow.

‘I’ll behave,’ she mumbled to her friend.

‘Marvellous! Let’s go and get started then.’

Estelle followed Eveline out into the main body of the church, her feet leaden. There was already a queue of people waiting to be served. Libby and Jack stood at one end of the line of trestle tables, James at the other.

Estelle caught Jack’s eye and mouthed ‘sorry’.

He smiled. ‘It’s okay’, he mouthed back.

‘Nearly there, everybody!’ Eveline called out. ‘Just mustering the rest of the troops!’

Estelle’s fingers itched for a weapon.

‘Okey dokey!’ Eveline continued. ‘Henry and Libby, can I put you with the sausage rolls at one end? Jack, you meet and greet with me, and Estelle, come this way and you can help James with the hotdogs.’

Before Estelle could argue, she was dragged to James’s side, like a child on the way to the naughty step.

Eveline’s enthusiasm was unrelenting. ‘Righty-ho! I haven’t made them up in advance as the sausages are still hot, however the rolls are sliced halfway through. Estelle, you’re in charge of them. Take one, open it nice and wide, and then James, you can stick your sausage in.’

Excuse me? Estelle stared at her best friend’s guileless face, but Eveline just beamed at them both and continued.

‘Then hand it over and the customers can select their own condiments from the table over there. Okay?’

James cleared his throat. ‘I will follow your instructions to the letter.’

‘Estelle?’ Eveline asked.

‘Does this give me a free pass to heaven?’

‘It doesn’t work quite like that.’

‘Or a smiting voucher?’
