Page 70 of The Upper Crush

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We need to talk about what happened this morning. I apologise for leaving so abruptly. I felt it necessary to prevent saying things that would further inflame the situation. I do not have your mobile number, however mine is below.

Please call me at your earliest convenience,


As he stared at his phone, it rang.


He picked up the call. ‘Hi—’

‘Babe, where are you?’

‘London. Why?’

‘London?’ his mother screeched. ‘What are you doing there? You need to get home! Now!’

James sighed. He’d had enough drama for one day. ‘Why?’

‘The Duke of Somerset’s invited us all for tea!’


‘He rang the house half an hour ago. Said there’d been an almighty eff up and we had to get together to sort it out.’

‘No. That’s not happening. I’ll deal with it.’

‘But your dad said yes! And now I’m in a state ’cos I don’t know what to wear!’

James stood. ‘You’re not going. I’m driving back now. Put me on the phone to Dad.’

Striding out of the pub with his phone clamped to his ear, James heard his mother’s feet as she ran, then her voice. ‘Kev, babe, James is in London and he said we’re not to go.’

‘Bollocks to that,’ his father shouted in the background.

‘Mum, give the phone to Dad.’

There was a short silence, then his father was in his ear. ‘Jamesy-boy, you and Lady Foxbrooke have right cocked this up. I don’t give a monkey’s how we’ve done things in the past. It’s not just your rep on the line, it’s our home.’

‘What do you mean, babe?’ his mother cried.

‘Nothing, Bev, babe,’ his father said to her. ‘Just a turn of speech.’ There was the sound of a door closing, then Kevin’s voice was back, growling in James’s ear. ‘Your mum wanted this house and to be friends with nobs. You’re not losing both of them for her, Jamesey-boy. Got it?’

‘You won’t. I can sort it.’

‘Starting with being on time for dinner. They want the three of us there at six-thirty. Don’t be late.’


But his father had ended the call.

‘Fuck!’ James sprinted down the road. Thank god he had a fast car. He could just about get there in time and stop this from happening.

As soon as he saw flashing lights in his rear-view mirror, James pulled into the middle lane.

Unfortunately, the unmarked police car followed him, signalling him to pull over.

Two minutes later on the hard shoulder, James realised he wasn’t going to get back in time to stop his parents from leaving Shoscombe Manor.
