Page 8 of The Upper Crush

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His hand stilled around his cock as blinding panic shot through him, his mind replaying the moment when Estelle tumbled off the balcony. He’d never experienced terror like that before.

Thank god I was there.

And after catching her, she hadn’t realised who he was. It was a blessing and a curse. A blessing because he got to see a different side of her, the one he knew she gifted to her family and close friends. And a curse, because he’d been so blinded by her charms that he’d flirted with her, then fucked everything up.

Letting go of his cock, he turned the shower icy. Time to wake up and smell the cold cup of coffee sitting in the chipped mug of reality. Estelle Foxbrooke didn’t want him, and he couldn’t be chasing someone that hot to handle when he needed her onside.

Ten minutes later, James knocked on a door downstairs and pushed it open.

‘Jamesy-boy!’ his father cried. ‘Grab a seat.’

Elyse sprang up from behind a desk. ‘Let me get it.’

‘No,’ James replied, taking a chair and positioning it across from his father. He sat, staring at the bottom of his dad’s loafers.

Kevin Hunter-Savage was leaning back in his leather chair, his feet on the desk in front of him, playing with a fidget spinner. His hair, once naturally black, was now approximately the same shade as before, but with a blue hue to it, courtesy of the dye he used. He was wearing a garish Versace patterned shirt, the top buttons undone to show off a multitude of gold chains, and a pair of Gucci jeans a size too small.

‘Elyse, babe,’ his dad said. ‘Give us five, would ya?’

She nodded. ‘Of course, Kev.’

He gave her a wink. ‘That’s my girl.’

She smiled at him and left the room.

‘Why won’t you make a move?’ his father hissed the moment the door was closed. ‘What’s wrong with you? She’s like family.’

James sighed. ‘She’s not family.’

‘She is to me and your mum—’

‘I’m not going to change my mind.’

Kevin flicked the fidget spinner. ‘She fancies you.’

James didn’t reply.

‘Elyse,’ his father continued, as if James didn’t know who he was talking about.

‘I don’t give a fuck.’

The spinner fell to the desk with a crash.

‘You should give a fuck,’ his father snarled, pointing a finger encircled with heavy gold rings at James. ‘She’s a nice girl and your mum wants grandkids. Do it for her if you won’t do it for yourself.’

James let out a bitter laugh. ‘You want me to impregnate your assistant just to make Mum happy?’

‘Impreg-what? Don’t use your fancy words with me, Jamesey-boy. Just marry her and make babies.’ He flicked his hand at his son. ‘I give you my blessing.’

‘Thank you so much,’ James replied, his voice laden with sarcasm.

‘She’s nice,’ his dad continued.

‘So you keep saying.’

Kevin picked up another fidget toy, this one a poppet in the shape of a dinosaur, and started playing with it. James wasn’t sure if he’d prefer his father scrape his nails down a miniature blackboard.

‘You wanted to see me?’

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