Page 86 of The Upper Crush

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‘Three years ago, I met Elyse in a bar. We had a two-week fling, then I ended it. She didn’t take it well. She still wants to get back together. I don’t.’

The whirr of the fidget spinner filled the silence as it slowed down. His father had even stopped playing with his poppet toy.

‘But…’ Beverley began. ‘Why didn’t you say something when she started working for your dad?’

‘Because I didn’t want you to treat her any differently. Or me.’

Kevin’s mouth was hanging open.

‘Dad, I told you she can’t live here, and this is one of the reasons why. You said you’d talk to her, but nothing’s changed. I can’t go to my room and find her in my bathroom. You pay her enough. She can afford her own place.’

His dad’s frown got deeper.

‘Is Elyse even paying rent to live here?’ James continued, his frustration rising. ‘I’m not drawing any wage and yet I’m working seven days a week saving your arse after you landed mine in it.’ All the stress from the past year was boiling inside him, bubbling its way to the surface. ‘I can’t do this anymore. I’m serious, Dad. Either she goes, or tonight I’m checking into a decent hotel in Bath and sending you the bill.’

Kevin dropped his fidget toys and held up his hands in a placating gesture. James already knew his dad wasn’t going to do what was asked of him.


‘No, Dad. I’m done. You can live with her, or me. Your choice.’

Going to the door, he wrenched it open.

Elyse was standing on the other side.

Great. Just fucking great. Side-stepping her, he strode away. It wasn’t yet nine o’clock, and the day had already gone to shit.

In his office, James started letters to the two councillors, with one eye on the clock as the minute hand ticked past the hour. He wasn’t used to apologising, nor experiencing the prickles of nervous excitement in the pit of his stomach at the thought of seeing Estelle again.

How should he play it with her? Cool? Aloof? Honest? Fuck off. She knew enough about his life now. He wasn’t going to start baring his soul and revealing the truth about why he was in Somerset. If Estelle knew, it would lay to waste whatever gains he’d made with her, and sour her opinion of his father permanently.

He glanced towards the window at the gifts he’d made. Were they a mistake? Was he turning into a sap like Henry Foxbrooke? He stood, thinking of where he could hide them. However excited barking and a thundering of paws coming down the corridor outside meant he was too late. Estelle had arrived.

James opened the door and braced himself as Chester and Joy tackled him.

‘Sorry!’ Estelle called out as she made her way towards him. ‘I have no idea why, but they seem to think you’re the most attractive human on the planet.’

‘It could be my animal magnetism?’

She pulled a face, but he could tell she was trying not to grin. ‘I think you’re hiding treats in your pocket.’

He held his hands out to the side. ‘Want to check?’ What the fuck? Shut-up! Stop flirting!

For a brief moment, desire flashed through her eyes, then she let her attention be drawn to Chester, who was now making love to James’s leg with extreme prejudice.

‘Chester-chops! No!’ She pulled him away and into the room. ‘We do not hump people,’ she scolded. ‘Least of all him.’

Joy trotted to the window and barked.

‘What is it?’ Estelle asked. ‘Oh…’

She’d seen them.

‘Joy-dog, Chester-chops, look at these!’ Crouching, she inspected the two porcelain water bowls which were decorated with her dog’s names. ‘How cool is that?’ She glanced at James over her shoulder. ‘These are incredible! Where did you get them from?’

The room was suddenly far too hot. James went back to his desk, tapping random keys in an attempt to appear nonchalant. ‘The pottery place at the end of the high street.’

‘The Creative Clay Café?’

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