Page 91 of The Upper Crush

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Beverley laughed. ‘It is if you like looking at muscles.’

‘Thanks for the cakes, Mum,’ he said, attempting to steer her out of the room. ‘Don’t you have to leave now?’

‘No, babe.’ She held the plate of cakes under his nose. ‘Want one?’

His mouth watered. It was too late to pretend he didn’t like them.

‘Thank you.’ He took one and went back to his desk.

Beverley perched on the edge. ‘I’ve been thinking.’

Sirens went off in his head.

‘Last night was a right laugh,’ she continued. ‘And it just shows how you two can get on. Yeah?’

Silence. James glanced over at Estelle, who was also gazing warily at his mother.

‘I think it’s important for you to get to know each other more.’

‘That won’t—’ Estelle began.

‘Find out how each other ticks,’ Beverley continued. ‘What you’re interested in.’

Another silence. Last night, James had been forced to open the doors of his personal life and let Estelle in. He wasn’t ready to give her the guided tour.

‘Like horses,’ his mum said to him. ‘James, you should go and watch Estelle ride.’

His mind immediately, and inconveniently, provided an image of Estelle riding him.

‘And you should show her how you like to exercise,’ his mum continued.

There was a beat, then Estelle started choking on her cake.

‘You alright, babe?’ his mother said, going to her side and lightly tapping between her shoulder blades.

Estelle nodded and held up her hand as she coughed. ‘I’m fine,’ she eventually managed.

‘And James should show you his lab, where—’


‘Yeah, babe?’

‘Thank you for your suggestions. We’ll give them due care and consideration.’

‘I don’t mind showing you the stables,’ Estelle said. ‘You’ve got a lot in common with them.’

His mum frowned. ‘Huh?’

James rolled his eyes. ‘It’s because she thinks we’re both full of shit.’

Beverley laughed. ‘Oh, my Christ, that’s funny! I’ll have to tell your dad!’

Opening the door, James stood by it, hoping his mum would finally get the message.

She dabbed at the corners of her eyes and turned to Estelle. ‘When can you show him around?’

‘Saturday? If he’s free. You’re very welcome to come, too.’
