Page 95 of The Upper Crush

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Message from: Baz

Profile picture: Photo of shirtless man in his twenties, taken in the mirror of a public toilet.

Message: I bet your 50 times hotta in person. And so am i hahahahah

Message from: Andrew54

Profile picture: Out of focus picture taken of a print photo, featuring a handsome man in nineteen-seventies clothes, standing next to a pristine sports car from the same era.

Message: Hello. My name is Andrew and I’m a solvent and mature man living in Bath. I would like to get to know you and explore what we have in common. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Message from: Lightmyfire

Profile picture: Photo of shirtless man in his thirties, taken in the mirror of a public toilet.

Message: It is truly unreal how fucking hot you are. Like it blows my mind. DM me.

Estelle exited her inbox and scrolled mindlessly through the feed of men, hoping that someone would catch her eye. Two minutes later, her heart nearly stopped at the sight of James.

What the… Sitting up in bed, she opened his profile. Why does he have to be so handsome? If she hadn’t known James, she would have assumed these were photos of a model that someone had substituted for ones of their actual face. Maybe it isn’t him?

She looked at the profile name—Lucifer.

Hands trembling, she read what he’d written.

I’m a single city boy who likes complicated and challenging country girls. I like drinking double espressos and feasting on the trampled remains of my enemies whilst listening to the ‘Imperial March’ from Star Wars. My favourite colour is black, my favourite number is 666, and my favourite hobby is stargazing. I’m after a woman who is five foot eleven, with dark skin and curly black hair, who likes horses, dogs, and making my life interesting.

Estelle rang Eveline.

Jack picked up. ‘Hey Stelle, Eveline’s sleeping at the moment. You okay?’

‘Is she alright?’

‘I think so, yeah, just exhausted. Apparently, this is normal, at least for the first few weeks.’

‘Will you give her my love when she wakes up?’

‘Of course. Do you want me to pass on a message?’

‘No, I just rang for a chat. Although… Now I’ve got you on the phone…’

‘Should I be worried?’

She smiled. ‘Not too worried.’ She lowered her voice in case Elyse was listening outside the door. ‘Yesterday, things went a bit Pete Tong. James and I had a massive bust-up in front of two council members from the licensing committee.’

Jack sighed on the other end of the phone.

‘So, we’re in damage limitation mode. We’re inviting them all to a night of entertainment at the Manor a week on Saturday to showcase our plans and prove that James and I can get on.’

‘And can you?’

‘I think so. I just wanted to ask if you had any free time to help set it up.’

There was a pause. ‘I’ll do what I can, but only when Eveline is well enough to leave the rectory. As soon as she’s back, I want to be there to help.’

‘I understand.’

‘Sorry, Stelle. I know it’s not ideal. Why don’t we chat about it now and I’ll see what I can do over the next few days.’
