Page 99 of The Upper Crush

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‘Then you should definitely come to a class with me. Half the women there are over sixty and can’t touch their toes. Plus, I swear to god that some of them come in their pyjamas.’

Sophia giggled. ‘Is it suitable for beginners?’

‘Definitely. Isaac gives variations for every level.’

‘The teacher’s a man?’

‘Yeah, but he’s not a sleaze or anything. He’s painfully professional. I’ve been trying to shag him for a couple of years now but haven’t got anywhere.’

James entered with a tray of mugs and a box of French Fancies, placing it on his desk. He was acting as if he hadn’t heard her, but Estelle knew full well he had. He passed her a cappuccino and his sister a latte. Both had patterns in the foam.

‘He’s just learned how to do that,’ Estelle said to Sophia. ‘He’s getting quite good at them now.’

Sophia frowned. ‘The leaf?’

She nodded.

‘But he’s been doing them for years.’ Sophia sat on the chaise longue. ‘He can do all sorts, even a swan.’

Narrowing her eyes, Estelle stared at James. He ignored her.

‘I don’t know if I told you,’ he said to his sister, ‘but Estelle does mounted archery.’


‘She’s going to show me this Saturday.’

Shit. Elyse. She finally looked at him. ‘Er, actually, we need to rearrange.’

He raised an eyebrow.

‘Could we do it during the week and then work on the weekend to make up for it?’

Something that looked like relief flashed across his face, then he smiled. ‘Tomorrow?’

She panicked. That seemed far too soon. ‘Friday?’


‘Okay.’ She turned to Sophia. ‘And you can come too if you like?’

Sophia’s gaze jumped between Estelle and her brother as if not sure what answer she should give.

‘Thank you,’ she replied. ‘I’ll see if I’m free.’


‘Where’s Sophia?’ Estelle demanded as soon as James got out of his Ferrari in the livery car park.

He didn’t immediately reply, turning his back and pretending to check that none of the rough stones from the driveway had jumped up and chipped any paint off his car. He knew he’d been slow enough to prevent that happening, but by averting his face, he could ensure he wasn’t grinning with excitement at spending this time with Estelle.


And, he also had to concede, he was enjoying how unsettled she seemed at having him on her turf.

Driving in, he’d clocked there was something different about Estelle. And now, as he straightened and looked at her closely, his suspicions were confirmed.

She’s wearing make-up.
