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I catch my breath. “A man. He grabbed me.” Glancing over my shoulder, I search for his massive form. A few people walk on the sidewalk in the distance, beyond the alley. No one is big enough to be him. “I don’t see him.”

“It’s okay. You’re safe now,” the woman says in a gentle tone. To the man she says, “Call it in, honey.”

He nods toward the bar door and brings his phone to his ear. “This is Detective Mason, I’ve got a possible attack.”

“You’re shivering.” The woman removes her sweater. “Here, take this.” She drapes it around my shoulders.

I pull it closed and notice my shirt. “It’s ripped.” The lace sleeve is torn, and the satin bow at my collar is missing. “How?”

“It’s okay. You’re safe now,” the lady repeats.

The punch of adrenaline leaves my system and exhaustion hits me like a truck. A fat raindrop lands on my nose. I glance up, and more droplets hit my face.

The lady puts her arm around my shoulder and ushers me toward the bar door. “Let’s get you inside.”

Low lights and chatter mixed with music greet us. People crowd around a big bar and high-top tables. She leads me to a booth near the front windows, away from the commotion. My body shivers like I’m freezing, even though I don’t feel cold.

“Are you sure you’re not hurt?” She sits beside me.

“I don’t think so.”

“My husband will make a report and ask you some questions. Afterward, you can go home. Is there someone you want to call to be with you?”

I nod and fumble to get my phone from my purse. Everleigh is the first person to come to mind. She must be so worried. I have to let her know I’m okay. But that’s not who I call.

Chapter 2


I unlock the front door to Sadie’s condo and guide her inside. With her arms wrapped around her body, she seems smaller and more fragile. I wouldn’t say she’s short, closer to average in height, but her personality usually makes her seem larger than life.

This isn’t the case tonight.

When I saw her in the police station, sitting on the plastic chair, waiting for me, her brown hair a mess and her makeup smudged beneath her eyes, I wanted to find the fucker who attacked her and kill him.

I wanted to scold her for going down that alley. Sadie, of all people! I also wanted to crush her against me and carry her home. I didn’t talk in the Uber drive on the way to her condo, afraid I’d lash out. She didn’t talk either, just huddled in on herself in a sweater that’s two sizes too big.

She walks to the kitchen and sets her purse on the counter as if it takes effort. A gasp leaves her.

I tense and race over. “What is it?”

“Detective Pickles. He didn’t get his dinner. He must be starving.”

She turns for the dwarf hamster in his cage. Succulents and hanging plants surround his enclosure, creating a verdant oasis.

“Stay.” I touch her shoulder. “I’ll feed him.”

I met Detective Pickles the first time I came to Sadie’s place. I was in town, staying at Daire’s penthouse. A shelf had torn from the wall and almost crashed onto Detective Pickles’s cage. Naturally, Sadie freaked out. Her boyfriend was busy working late and couldn’t help, so I came over to offer my skills. As the spare to the heir, known for my carefree ways, Sadie was surprised I was handy and knew how to use tools.

“I grew up on a farm,” I reminded her. “And I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty. Just don’t tell anyone my secret. It might make me look useful.” I winked and was sure I saw a spark in her beautiful hazel-green eyes.

I get the hamster food from the rubber container in the cabinet under Detective Pickles’s cage and fill the bowl with pellets. He lies in a ball buried under some hay but scurries over when he hears the food.

I check his water bottle. Looks good.

“Is he okay?” Sadie asks, sounding tired.

“He’s fine. Happy as ever.”
