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“Dash? He’s involved?” My fingers ball into tight fists. I’ll kill him.

“Not regarding her stalker. That’s separate, but my digging uncovered secrets he’s been keeping from her. I figured you’d want to know everything.”

“You figured right. Give me the details on the stalker first.”

“Wait until you hear this.” He tells me a story I know will leave Sadie in shock. Hell, I’m in shock. As for the dirt on Dash, I’m going to kill the piece of shit.

I end the call and stare at the closed door, my heart in agony, my arms shaking with barely checked rage. This information will tear Sadie apart. It’s a lot for anyone to handle.

Suddenly, I wish I wouldn’t have slept with her. I’m not reliable like Daire. And after this, Sadie will need someone she can depend on. I’ve never been that person. As much as I’d love to try to be that for Sadie, I don’t know if I can trust myself not to mess up. Even though the thought of being sexual with other women does nothing for me and how Sadie is the only person I want to sleep with at this time, who’s to say I won’t get bored and eventually let her down. She needs a friend in me, not a friend with benefits who has the potential to hurt her should I fail.

Shit. Neither of us thought this through, but how do we go back to what we were before? Everything she does makes me want her more than before because I’ve had her. I know how amazing it is to be with her sexually. I may never find that kind of connection with anyone else. But that’s not enough for her. She wants the fairy tale. She deserves it.

I’ve had this conversation with myself. Already, I’ve complicated things between us and for that I’m ashamed. From now on, I’ll only do what she wants and what I can to make her life easier. No matter how badly I want her, especially if she throws herself at me, I’ll resist. It will be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I’ll do it for her.

Chapter 25


I wake from a peaceful slumber to an empty bed. Easton’s bed. Why am I here?

Last I remember, I went downstairs for cocoa with him. I was tired and almost didn’t go to meet him after my shower. I was also a bit embarrassed about how I acted.

Easton being Easton thought nothing of my behavior. Why would he? For all I know that kind of sex is vanilla for him. For me, it was insane. In the best way.

I stretch and notice I’m a bit sore between my legs. My cheeks heat and I cover my eyes, embarrassed again. I went for it with him last night. I wanted him, and for the first time ever, I acted on my desire—there was so much. Easton turns me on in a way no man ever has. And the sex... My cheeks scorch.

I roll to my side and bury my face in the pillow. I never knew sex could be so exhilarating and pleasurable. Dash and I never had sex like that, not even close. We never connected in the way I do with Easton. It’s like he knows my body and what I like better than I do. How is it possible? Have my past lovers been that bad or is Easton that incredible?

He brings out a side of me I didn’t know existed. I like to be spanked. Who would have thought? But then, he’s not a brutal spanker. I don’t know that it would count as BDSM with how playful and painless it is. Only, in the moment, I don’t feel like playing with anything except his dick.

Oh my gosh. I cover my mouth to smother a squeal. I’m out of control. The worst part is I like it. Would that make it the best part then?

Sadly, I believe my pleasure-seeking time with Easton has come to an end. He’s done with me. Why else would he not be here to face me? Of course, he did put me in his bed last night—a bed he never lets anyone else sleep in. It could be his way of smoothing things over with me. He knew I was upset after we had sex. His comment that we should leave set me off. I tensed and figured he was ready to head back, so I jumped up. Having never slept with a man who isn’t my boyfriend, I don’t know what the protocol is. I hadn’t figured he would want to leave the little house on the dock so quickly. It made me nervous. What do you say after casual sex? How do you act? I don’t have a clue, so I stayed quiet. What I wanted to do was stay in his arms for the night, even if it meant sleeping on the hard floor of that dock. I suppose I got my wish in that way but in his soft bed.

Water turns on in the en suite bathroom. So that’s where he is. And is he showering again?

I scramble from the bed and stand. Where are my clothes? Did I remove them? Vaguely, I remember taking them off. Oh God. He probably thought I was trying to get him to sleep with me again. I would have. I want to again now, but I know it won’t happen.

It’s for the best. Any more sex like that and my heart will belong to him. A part of it already does with how close we are. All my friends have a piece of my heart. It’s how I am. Easton has a little more than a piece, and that scares me. I need to be careful. I need distance.

In a hurry, I pull on my clothes and patter from the room, closing the bedroom door quietly behind me.

I head upstairs to my bedroom and lock the door. I haven’t locked it once since I got here. I’m being silly, but I’ve gone into protective mode regarding my heart. This is how it needs to be.

I check the time. 10:00 a.m.

Everleigh should be awake, and I could use the distraction and actual physical distance from Easton.

Sadie: Want some company?

Everleigh: Sure. Daire is checking to see if everything is ready for Thanksgiving dinner at the farm next week. Now that you’re staying for longer, I assume you’ll be joining us.

My shoulders drop. I’d forgotten. If I hadn’t slept with Easton and still desired him, I’d probably say yes. Now…

Sadie: My mom hasn’t seen me in a while and wants me to join her and Tim. I’ll be staying with them as soon as they get back.

Everleigh: Oh. For some reason I thought you were staying here. Pregnancy brain. I hear it’s a real thing. Well, I’ll make sure to send you one of our famous apple pecan pies.
