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"It would be really stupid of him to be intimidated by the person I was in high school."

Molly shrugged. "Since when are people smart when it comes to the opposite sex? Anyway, I don't see why you don't just make the first move."

Colleen wrinkled her nose. "That's not my style."

"Maybe it's time to try a different approach."

Colleen pondered Molly's words as the restaurant filled up. Sure, she'd done her share of flirting and letting a guy know she was interested, but when it came to actually asking for a number, a date, or going in for the first kiss, she always left it up to the guy.

If a guy didn't pursue her, how did she know he really wanted to be with her?

She flashed back to when she had first started dating Gregory, how he'd seemed to fall for her so hard, so fast.

Hm. Maybe Molly had a point.

And maybe JT's reluctance had nothing to do with being intimidated. Maybe, like Colleen, he was so used to being chased by women he didn't want to do any of the work.

As though conjured from her thoughts, at that moment JT walked into the restaurant. Her heart skipped a beat as he turned to the bar and gave her a quick wave, then followed the hostess to a booth in the far corner. He was with Paulina and a few other guests she recognized from the ranch.

Including, she noticed with a sinking feeling, Amber from Chicago. Who slid into the booth next to JT, sitting so close that even a crack of daylight couldn't get in between them.

Well I guess I know why he's not making a move on me.

She mixed and served drinks on autopilot, unable to keep her attention off JT's group. Or more accurately, off JT, and his big smile as he laughed at something Amber said. Or the way he stretched his arm across the booth behind her, his big fingers dangling mere inches from the other woman's bare shoulder.

Finally, she tore her gaze away, scolding herself for being an idiot. It was stupid to be jealous. It wasn't like she had any claim to JT. And besides, it wasn't like she even wanted to date JT or anything—she just wanted to get laid for the first time in what felt like a hundred years.

So, if she was jealous of anything, it was that Amber was going to get a taste of that, nothing more. There was nothing special about JT, other than that he was the first guy since her divorce who'd reminded her that she wasn't dead below the waist.

And now that she'd been reminded, there were plenty of other guys out there who could scratch that itch. She didn't need JT.

Yet, the next night when she saw him at the ranch, she couldn't resist asking him how his date went.

"It wasn't a date," JT said defensively. "There was a whole group of us."

"Well, Amber sure looked like she was on a date."

JT rolled his eyes. "I've known her for years—same as the others who joined. Their families have been coming since we were all kids. And being friendly with the guests is good for business."

She cocked an eyebrow. "How friendly are we talking?"

"I'm not sleeping with her, if that's your question."

"Who you sleep with is none of my business."

"Well you seem to be making it your business. Anyway, I've known Amber for so long, she's like a little sister to me."

"I would say her feelings for you are anything but sisterly."

"Even so, I'm not going to sleep with a guest. It complicates things."

"Spoken from experience?"

Hot color slashed across his sharp cheekbones. "Yes, I'll admit that in the past, I've gotten... involved with a few of the guests. But I've learned that it's not the best idea."

"Yeah? Why? I mean if you're both single, consenting adults..."

"Well, as you know, a lot of the guests are repeat customers who come back year after year. And my ex wasn't too happy when I explained to her that she would be around other people I'd slept with."
