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“It’s Christmas, so I thought I’d send you a present.”

Clary locked eyes with Seth. His brows were drawn together, and he was staring at her so hard, it was as if he was trying to read her mind.

“This guy has been badmouthing you nonstop at the bar,” Gavin continued.

Clary glanced at Hugh, who was shaking so hard she wondered how he was still standing. “What did you give him? Why’s he shaking like that?”

“You can’t blame me for Hugh being such a coward, Clary. Or maybe he just doesn’t have any faith in you. Do you need a few minutes to get him to trust you? The way you tricked Gemma into trusting you.”

“What does he want?” Seth asked.

“If I were you,” Gavin continued, “I’d tell everyone else to leave.”

“Not going to happen,” Clary said. There was no way Seth would leave her while she was on the phone with Gavin. “Just tell me what you want.”

“In a few moments, something will start beeping in the box. You can choose to grab it and press the button to save Hugh from exploding, or you could just let him die.”

Exploding? Clary looked over at Seth and Oliver. “The two of you need to get out now.”

Gavin laughed in her ear. “The blast area is small. I’ve made sure of that. Only Hugh will die—if you let it happen.”

“You’re crazy,” Clary said.

“You could all live and just let Hugh die. He isn’t worth saving, or is your savior-complex so strong that you just can’t help risking your life for someone like him?”

“What’s going on?” Seth asked.

Clary took a step toward Hugh.

Once again, Seth’s hand curled around her arm. “Clary,” he warned.

“Ten beeps,” Gavin continued. “Then boom.” Once Gavin said that, something in the gift box started beeping.

Hugh’s knees gave way, and he dropped to the floor.

Clary shrugged Seth’s hand off and ran over to the box. She grabbed it before it hit the ground and easily flipped off the top.

In it was what looked like a stick controller with only one red button.

She took it out and pressed the button as she shut her eyes. She wasn’t sure how many beeps there had been. She wasn’t sure if she was in time.


She opened her eyes and found Seth staring at her.

Seth dropped his gaze to her hand. “What did you do?”

“No boom, so I guess you just couldn’t let go of your savior complex.” Gavin tutted. “Now you’ve just linked your life to his. Move too far away, and it’ll beep. Ten beeps, and boom. If you let go of the button …”

“Ten beeps and boom?”

Seth closed his eyes and turned away. He pointed at the door. “Oliver, get Zane and Aldric, then get out of the building.”

“No,” Gavin said. “You let go of the button, it goes off immediately.”

“What’s the point of this? You just want me to hold on to this?”

“How long can you hold on, Clary? Eventually, you’ll have to let go. Because you couldn’t help yourself, Hugh Eolenfeld’s blood will be on your hands. He is going to die because of you.”
