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But she took a step forward, her chin up, ready to retaliate. “You—” She looked down when she caught a movement in the corner of her eye.

Amid the crowd was a young boy with an amputated leg. He struggled to maintain his balance on an old crutch as the adults continued to move forward.

“Stop!” She dropped to her knees as the boy fell forward.

She caught him in her arms, and the crowd grew silent.

“Get up, boy!” The man who had been yelling at her snapped his fingers twice.

Clary gritted her teeth to stop herself from making any comments. She helped the boy steady himself.

“Get away from that—”

She cupped her hands around the boy’s face. “Listen to me. This isn’t God. God is love. All this anger, this hatred.” She shook her head. “This isn’t God.”

“Enough! Get away from my boy!”

Clary looked over her shoulder.

Seth had planted himself next to her, keeping the man away. And the security guards from Movement were pushing the crowd back.

Clary licked her lips. She knew she didn’t have much time. She gave the young boy a reassuring smile. “What’s your name?”

“I can’t talk to you.” His gaze darted to the side. “I’ll get in trouble.”

She nodded and stood, her fists clenched.

* * *

Seth sucked in a breath through his mouth. He’d just stepped out of the office building when he saw Clary fall to the ground.

Then he couldn’t quite remember how he got on top of the moron who dared lay a hand on Clary.

And it was only Clary who could have pulled him back.

When Seth heard her voice and felt her hands on his arms, he realized he should have checked if she was okay before felling the man. And only when he got up did he notice the people crowding around them.

Seth looked over his shoulder while Clary spoke to the boy. The boy’s father, a long-standing protestor, was the most aggressive of them. And right now, he was furious.

Seth couldn’t care less about the man or the boy. The only reason he’d remained rooted next to Clary was because he didn’t want to risk someone in the crowd hurting her if he pounced on the man.

“Everyone just calm down,” one of his security guards said as a team of five started to slowly push the crowd back.

When Clary stood, her hands were clenched and her jaw set tight. But when she turned to the man who had slapped her, she apologized.

Seth blinked. He must have heard her wrong.

Even the man seemed taken aback.

“I’m sorry,” Clary repeated, relaxing her hands. “My attitude was wrong. You’re God’s child, too. Jesus came and died for you too.”

Seth hooked his hand on her hip as the Movement guards drew closer. “Let’s go,” he said to her.

The man rolled his eyes. “You’re one of those once saved, always saved people.”

“I am.”

“Then you should just prepare to go straight to hell.”
