Page 26 of Exiled

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“I’ll bring her back,” Grayson said. “No matter what it takes.”

His words echoed in the room, amplifying the silence that followed. His tone carried a firmness that was not only soothing but also filled with resolve. Something about it felt solid and I found myself clinging onto it desperately. A promise. A vow.

"Alright," I nodded, forcing back the emotion threatening to choke me. "Just... Just keep me updated."

He gave me a curt nod, "You got it, boss,” he said. “You want me to call Jace while I’m here?”

I nodded. “Definitely.”

He grabbed his phone out of his pocket. Jace picked up after the second ring.

“Where are you?” he asked by way of greeting.

“Still in the hospital. Teo just woke up. He’s here,” Grayson said. “On speakerphone.”

There was a second of silence and then Jace's voice came through the phone, crackling slightly at the edges. "Boss? You alright?"

I swallowed the bitter taste of helplessness in my mouth. “I’ve been better,” I admitted reluctantly. “How’s everything looking on your end?”

I could hear the shuffle of paper in the background, followed by a heavy sigh. “It’s been a hell of a challenge, but we’re making progress,” Jace said. “Got a potential location on the bunker, and I’m preparing to be there within the hour. I can disable the cameras and make my way inside, but…”

“No. Wait for Grayson,” I said. “Don’t do this alone.”

"Teo," Jace said, his voice carrying an undertone of concern. He must've sensed my desperation. "We got this. You focus on getting better, okay?"

The call ended and I was left with Grayson's scrutinizing gaze. It bore into me, taking in the paleness of my skin and the rigid set to my jaw. I glared back.

"Easy there, Teo," he said calmly, setting his phone aside. His gaze didn't waver from mine. "We're doing everything we can."

His words were meant to be reassuring but they did nothing to quell the anxiety gnawing at my insides. "You don't understand," I spat out, anger flaring up in me. "She--"

"--is everything to you," Grayson cut me off gently. "I know. Don’t worry. She means the world to me too. I’m not going to let her get hurt."

"Right," I muttered, balling my hands into fists at my sides. I wanted to believe him. God, I wanted to. But the echo of my own fear was too loud to ignore.

He stood up and made his way to the door, pausing on the threshold. "She's strong, Teo," He said without turning around. "Stronger than we give her credit for. She’s going to fight until we get there. And Victor is one crazy motherfucker and he’ll do anything to protect her.”

With that, he was gone, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I sank deeper into the hospital bed, a sense of helplessness washing over me. The ghost of his words offer some comfort, but they do little to drive the fear away. The thought of Sofia being out there, trapped and ate at me.

I closed my eyes tight, Sofia's image burning bright behind my lids — her expressive brown eyes that held stories untold; her warm smile that could soothe any worry away; the sound of her laughter that was sweeter than any melody. The way she had looked at me when I told her how scared of blood I was.

I had told her I would hurt anyone who came near her, and now what was I doing?

I was lying here, useless and powerless, while she was out there, somewhere in the merciful clutch of danger. The unfairness of it all was a bitter pill to swallow.

I clenched my jaw, frustration bubbling up within me. I should be out there with Grayson and Jace, combing through every lead, turning every stone until we found her. But instead, I was stuck here, trapped inside a sterile white room that was a constant reminder of my failure to protect her.

The cold, sterile smell of my hospital room only added to my anxiety. It was almost ironic; trapped in a cage of medical perfection while Sofia could be in a dungeon breathing stale air. My hand instinctively moved towards the bandages blanketing my chest. The acute stab of pain served as a harsh reminder of why I was here and not there.

Time passed in agonizing slowness. Each tick of the clock echoed around the silent room, mocking me. It felt as if every second was a cruel reminder of the distance growing between Sofia and me. As if the world had come to a standstill, leaving me stuck in this moment of impotent rage.

Fuck this.

I tried to shake off the haziness of the medicine when I heard someone approaching the room I was in. I wondered if Jace had forgotten something when I picked my head up and saw the figure standing in the doorway. It wasn’t Jace, nor Grayson. No, it was a man whose appearance made my blood run cold.

His tall frame filled the doorframe and his sharp, predatory eyes held a familiar cruel gleam that I had witnessed before. A sense of dread washed over me as I recognized him - The Everglades Viper himself. Sofia and Sam's father. A terrifying smile on his face.

And I was so fucked.
