Page 64 of Exiled

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“And fuck you,” my father roared, lunging towards Teo. But he was ready, dodging the attack with a swift side-step.

My breath hitched in my throat as the room exploded into chaos. Teo and the boys were on him, a flurry of fists and kicks. I used the distraction to pull myself to my feet, pain searing through my body.

My dad manage to fire off a shot. The deafening sound of the gunshot reverberated through the room, followed by a horrifying silence. My heart pounded in sync with the ticking clock on the wall as, slowly, I peered through my fingers. Blood spread across Teo's shoulder where the bullet had torn its way through. His face was pale but set in a grim determination.

My father chuckled, his cruel smile twisting as he unexpectedly swung around to aim at me. "One down..." he started.

Before he could finish his sentence, Grayson was on him. Knocking the gun from his hand and sending it skidding across the floor. The room descended into chaos again as Victor and Jace joined him in beating my father to a pulp.

At that point, though Teo looked like he was about to faint, he slid me his gun.

Everything hurt like a bitch…and yet, there I was, ready for the gun. Ready to be the one to kill him. Teo gave me a harsh nod and I felt the cold steel in my hand as I gripped the weapon, a chilling sensation spreading through my chest. My very bones seemed to vibrate at the prospect of ending this madness once and for all. I could feel the weight of Teo's faith in me, the silent promise in his gaze, as though he'd somehow known I'd muster the courage to do what I had to.

With my heart pounding like a war drum, I staggered towards my father while my boys kept him preoccupied. His focus was on them, his rage blinding him to my approach. His blows were wild, missing more often than they hit, but that didn't stop him from throwing them.

My body moved on instinct. Every step was a war against the pain that threatened to engulf me. My vision blurred at the edges and my head pounded ominously. But nothing mattered more than finishing this - nothing mattered more than making sure no one else got hurt because of him.

And I wanted revenge.

For what he had done to my mom.

To my brother.

To me.

I took a shaky breath, tightening my grip on the gun. One of them must have wrestled his gun out of his hand. My heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest, fear and adrenaline coursing through my veins. Inching closer, I could hear his grunts of effort over the commotion, see the sweat rolling down the side of his face as he fought with all his might against Teo, Victor, Grayson and Jace.

He had no idea that his end was coming so swiftly.

With every step closer, the room seemed to shrink. People became blurs of movement, their shouts and cries muffled as if underwater. It was just me and him at this moment. Me, the daughter he dragged into the dirt - made into a monster - and him, the source of all our nightmares.

Just a few more steps...

I was almost there when he finally noticed me. His eyes widened in surprise at first, then narrowed in pure hatred as he saw what I had in my hands. But it was too late for him.

I grabbed the weapon and fired a shot into his face. For a split second, before the bullet penetrated his skin, he looked…strange. Almost proud. And then his face didn’t look like anything but a smattering of horrifying, deep crimson blood.

Chapter Twenty-Five: Teo

Ilooked down at the Viper’s bloodied face and then looked away, trying to stop the surge of nausea that swelled within me. Sofia was shaking, the gun still clutched in her hand and a look of horrified satisfaction on her blood-splattered face.

It was done. The Viper was dead, Sofia was safe...but at what cost?

Stepping forward, I caught Sofia as she swayed on her feet, wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her. She collapsed against me, her body trembling with adrenaline and shock.

"I did it," she whispered, her voice shaky. "I killed him."

"I know,” I said. “Give me the gun.”

It slipped out of her hands and I grabbed it before it could clatter against the floor.

The Viper's body lay sprawled on the marble floor, his blood pooling around him in a sickly crimson lake. His eyes were wide open, frozen in a moment of surprise that would never fade.

A flurry of footsteps echoed in the room as Stephen burst in, his face pale and his eyes wide with shock. His gaze darted from Sofia to me, to the Blades, before finally landing on the Viper's lifeless form. His breath hitched audibly as he took in the grisly sight.

"You... you killed him," he stammered.

“Good riddance,” I said, stepping in front of Sofia.

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