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He pulled his phone from his pocket. “What do you like on your pizza?”

“Everything but anchovies.”


“Sounds good to me.”

He reached into the refrigerator and grabbed two bottles of beer, handing one to me.


“You’re welcome. Let’s go sit on the couch while we wait for the pizza to be delivered,” he said.

We sat on the couch and faced each other. I couldn’t stop thinking about how good he made my body feel last night as I stared into his eyes while we talked. The one thing I found about him was that he seemed easy-going and easy to talk to.

“Tell me more about why you needed a fresh start,” I said.

“It’s complicated.” He sighed heavily.

“I think everyone’s fresh start is from complicated reasons. Otherwise, we wouldn’t make them.” A smirk crossed my lips.

“I was engaged to a woman who I thought I knew.” He tipped the beer bottle to his lips. “On our wedding day, a friend informed me that she’d been sleeping with one of her exes.”

“Oh gee, Nick. I’m sorry.”

“We were already at the church, and I didn’t believe him. He showed me some pictures he took of the two of them one night when he was out. I was so angry that I went to the room where she was getting ready, kicked everyone out, and confronted her. She confessed to everything. They had been sneaking around for about four months. I yelled, called her some names that I’m not proud of, broke it off, and stormed out of the church.”

“Why would she still want to marry you if she had been sleeping with her ex for four months?” My brows furrowed.

“She said she loved me, he meant nothing, and she didn’t know why she did it,” he said, shaking his head. “The worst part was that she was a nurse in my ER. She wouldn’t leave me alone, and I couldn’t stand to look at her every day. Christian knew about everything because he and Charleigh were at the wedding. He called me and said that Cedars had an opening for an ER doctor if I was interested. I jumped on it.”

“I don’t blame you. I would have, too.” I reached over and placed my hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry she did that to you.”

“Thanks, Claire. I’m putting it all behind me and moving forward.”

There was a knock at the door.

“You stay put.” I smiled. “The pizza is on me tonight since you paid for my drink last night.” I got up from the couch, reached into my wallet, grabbed some cash, and opened the door.

“You didn’t have to do that. I asked you to have dinner,” he said.

“So? I want to.” I smiled.

“Is it a pity pizza?” he asked.

“A what?” My brows furrowed.

“A pity pizza. You feel bad for me after what I just told you.”

“No. It’s not a pity pizza.” A soft smile crossed my lips. “And I don’t pity you or feel sorry for you. That woman did you a favor.” I pointed at him.

“Why do you say that?” he asked, taking a slice of pizza from the box.

“Because the two of you weren’t supposed to be together. If you were, she never would have hooked up with her ex. Imagine if you married her and found this out six months or a year in. Your friend saved you a lot of heartache and pain by telling you on your wedding day.”

“I guess you’re right,” Nick said. “Honestly, after everything that happened, I question whether or not I truly loved her in the first place.”

“See. She did you a favor. Imagine being married for five years and waking up one day with the realization you never loved her like you thought you did.” I smirked.
