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“It’s true,” Shaun said. “Claire is our sister. I have the printout of the DNA test to prove it.” He pulled the printout from his pocket and handed it to Stefan.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I was just in as much shock as you all are.”

“How long have you known about this and failed to share it with us?” Sam snapped at Shaun.

“Only a couple of days,” Shaun said. “We didn’t want to tell you until we received the results. There was no need to get everyone worked up if it weren’t true.”

“Why you? Why did she go to you?” Stefan asked.

“She didn’t. I went to her because of something she did that wasn’t sitting right with me.”

“And what did she do?” Sam glared at me.

“She convinced the Aubert’s to sell her their house. When Raphael called and told me he’d sold, I asked him for Claire’s number, called her, and got her to come into my office. She told me she was our sister the night of the gala.”

“And only because I saw them in one of the hallways arguing. My mind went to a bad place,” Jenni said. “I’m so ashamed of myself.”

“And you should be,” Shaun said.

“Be quiet. I more than made up for it.” A smirk crossed her lips.

“What?” Stefan laughed. “Who the hell would want—oh, I see what you did.” He pointed his finger at me. “You pulled a Shaun.”

“If Shaun wouldn’t have found out about the Aubert’s house, when were you planning on telling us?” Sebastian asked sternly.

“I was trying to find a way,” I said. “I wanted to meet all of you first before I sprung the news on you.”

“This is bullshit!” Sebastian stood from his chair.

“Sit down, Sebastian, and shut up!” Barb shouted as she walked over to us. “It is not this girl's fault. You will not speak to her that way. This is all on your father, again.”

“You know, Mom?” Stefan said.

“Yes, I know. I’ve known for twenty-nine years.”

“Jesus Christ, Mom.” Sam shook his head. “You told us?—”

“I know what I told you, Samuel. Your father brainwashed that woman’s mother. She showed up on my doorstep looking for Henry after he left Paris. She had no idea he was married and had children. That man thought he was safe screwing another woman behind my back in another country. After we talked, and she sobbed, I paid her to leave town and never speak about Henry or the child.”

“You what?!” Sebastian shouted and then looked at Simon.

“I already had it out with her. Now, it’s all your turn,” Simon said.

“I did what I had to in order to protect the four of you. It was right after Claire’s mother visited me that I filed for divorce. As I told Simon, I wasn’t going to sit around anymore and wait for the next woman to knock on my door, telling me she fucked my husband and got pregnant. That man humiliated me enough over the years.”

“You shouldn’t have married him in the first place after you found out about Shaun,” Stefan said.

“What did you want me to do, Stefan? I was pregnant with quadruplets at a young age. I’m sorry, Claire, for threatening you like I did.”

“You threatened her, Mom?” Sam said.

“She sure did,” Simon said.

“It’s okay, Barb. I totally get where you were coming from.”

“I’ve said my piece, and I must return to Curtis. But before I go, I promise you that she and Shaun were the only two I knew about. If there are more of your father’s children in the world, I don’t know about it. You have my word. If you want to take out your frustrations, then I suggest you do it to your father at his grave and not your sister.” She turned and walked away.

“Damn,” Stefan said.

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