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“Great. It’s going to be a fun night. See you later.”

I arrived at the brewhouse five minutes early. Looking around, I didn’t see the girls, so I sat at the bar.

“Evening, Claire. Scotch?” John, the bartender, asked.

“Yeah.” I smiled.

He set the glass in front of me, poured some scotch, and smiled.


“Always.” I picked up my glass.

Glancing at my watch, it was six fifteen. As I pulled my phone from my purse to text Jenni, I heard a voice next to me.

“I’ll have what the beautiful woman is having.”

With a slight turn of my head, I saw Nick sitting on the stool beside me. Our eyes locked.

“Hi. I’m Dr. Nick Russo.” He extended his hand.

I stared at him momentarily in confusion.

“Hi. I’m Claire Monet.” I lightly placed my hand in his, and my body trembled.

“It’s nice to meet you, Claire.” A handsome smile crossed his lips. “I see your glass is empty. Would you mind if I bought you another drink?”

“Not at all.”

“John, pour Claire another scotch. Put both of her drinks on my tab.”

“Nick, what is going?—”

“Shh.” He raised his finger and placed it over my lips. “So, Claire Monet, why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?”

A smile crossed my lips as I stared at him.

“Well, I moved here not too long ago from Connecticut. I have five brothers and a little sister. I live in Venice with one of my brothers while my new home is being renovated. I work as a finance manager at Sterling Capital, which one of my brothers owns. How about you? You say you’re a doctor?”

“I am. I work in the emergency room over at Cedars. I moved here myself not too long ago from Seattle.” He tipped the glass to his lips.

“Nick, I—” I looked down.

He placed his finger under my chin and raised it so our eyes locked on each other.

“I know. We should talk. I think my place would be more private.” The corners of his mouth curved upward.

“I think that’s a good idea.” I smiled.

We finished our drinks. Nick pulled out his wallet and threw some cash on the bar.

“Sebastian wanted me to tell you that your drinks are on the house tonight.” The bartender smiled as he picked up the cash and handed it back to Nick.

“That’s nice, but I want to pay,” Nick said.

I placed my hand on his arm. “Did I mention that one of my brothers owns this place?”

“Well, in that case.” He smirked as he put the cash back inside his wallet. “Let’s get out of here.”
