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“I make the bed every day. When she goes to make it, I stop her, tell her I love her, and that I’ll do it. That way, I’m happy, she’s happy, and our bed is happy.”

“A corner sticking out is the least of my problems with Jenni and our bed. She doesn’t even pull the sheet up on both sides, so it’s even when she makes it.” Shaun shook his head. “She told me to stop worrying about how she makes the bed and start worrying whether any more action would happen in that bed if I kept saying something about it. So, most of the time, I make the bed, and when she does it, I remake it when she’s not around.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Why do they have to be like that?”

“I have no idea.” Sam shook his head.

“Either do I.” Shaun sighed. “But the point is, it’s all about compromise and adjusting. You’ll get there eventually.” Shaun hooked his arm around me.

After my brothers and I talked for a while, I returned to the house.

“There you are.” Nick smiled.

“Hey, babe.” I walked over, kissed his lips, and hugged him. “I was down at the beach with Sam and Shaun. Did you just get home?”

“Yeah. I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” I glanced over at his shoes. “Can you do me a favor?”

“Anything for you.” A smile crossed his lips.

“Can you put your shoes away?”

“Yeah. Definitely. I will as soon as I change.” He began to walk away.

“Why not now? They’re right there. It’ll take two seconds.”

Everything that bothered me since we moved in together suddenly hit all at once.

“And stop leaving your dishes in the sink. The dishwasher is right there. How hard is it to open it and put a dish inside? Andfor the love of God, when you’re done shaving, wipe down the damn mirror. Those water spots drive me insane.” I threw my hands up in the air.

He stood there, narrowing his eyes at me. “Anything else?”

“Yeah, when you make the bed, tuck in the damn corners so the sheets aren’t hanging out.” I placed my hands over my face as the tears fell from my eyes. “I don’t like being like this, but I can’t help it.”

“Aw, babe.” His arms wrapped tightly around me. “I’m sorry. Don’t cry. I knew you’d eventually crack.” He breathed out a laugh.

“It isn’t funny.” I pushed him away.

“Yeah, it is.” He cupped my face in his hands. “I love you, and I’m sorry. I had no idea those things bothered you that badly. You should have said something sooner. We’ve been living together for over two months.”

“I didn’t want to hurt your feelings or seem like a nag.”

“You’re not a nag, and it wouldn’t have hurt my feelings. Those things are important to you, and I respect that.”

“I’m a mess,” I said.

“You’re a perfectionist. There’s nothing wrong with that.” His beautiful eyes stared into mine.

“I’m sorry,” I spoke.

“Don’t ever apologize for being you.” His lips met mine. “Just make sure to tell me next time, and don’t let it build up.” He swooped down and picked me up. “I’ve had a long day and need to relieve some stress.” A smirk crossed his lips.

“First, shoes.” I smiled.

“Right. First, shoes.” He set me down, put his shoes away, then picked me up and carried me to the bedroom.
