Page 107 of You're the Boss

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HEIDI: Seriously. Who are you and what did you do with my Chloe?

ME: I’m embracing the slutty chaos. It’s not like I can run away from what we did, so I might as well roll with it while I can.

And that was the truth.

Like I’d said to Theo, it wasn’t as though we could change what we’d done. We’d consciously made the decision to sleep together. He’d asked me more than once for my consent—and it wasn’t an ambiguous consent, either.

It was me clearly saying yes. Every time.

I knew what I was doing.

He knew what he was doing.

But we really did need to clarify what was going to happen when we returned to London.

Was it too soon to have that conversation, though? Was Theo even thinking that this was something that would extend past that time?

After all, he was against office relationships, but as things stood, we’d only be working together for a month after our return.


What was I thinking?

I’d lost my mind.

No. There was no way this could continue on our return to London. I had to temper my expectations—and my feelings. I had to stop this warmth in my heart from growing. I had to make sure I didn’t lose myself in the frivolity of my emotions.

Because that’s all they were.

Frivolous things, and such things never did anyone any good.

I stared at my phone for a moment before picking it up and dialling Harvey’s office.

“Good afternoon, you’ve reached the office of Harvey Park. This is Shanna speaking, how may I help you?” Shanna’s smooth customer service voice crooned down the line at me.

“Hey, Shanna, it’s Chloe.”

“Chloe! How are you?” Her tone instantly brightened.

“I’m great, thank you. You?”

“Fab, thanks. Would you like to speak to Mr Park?”

“If he’s available, then yes, please.”

“He is. Give me two seconds to connect you.”

The line momentarily died before a little beep sounded in my ear. “What do you want?” Harvey demanded.

“Hello, beloved cousin. It’s nice to speak to you, too,” I said dryly, drawing out my words.

“Beloved cousin? Are you ill? Do you need a doctor?”

“This is why I’m never nice to you. You were calling yourself my beloved cousin not long ago. I was only picking up where you left off.”

Harvey laughed. “Now I know you want something. What’s up?”

“It’s about Aunt Fizz’s birthday party. I need to make sure with Theo, but I should be able to come.”
