Page 88 of You're the Boss

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I nodded. “I’ll do the dishes.”

“Just put them in the dishwasher.”

“No, it’ll be full if Auntie Pat came today, and I can’t be bothered to empty it right now. It’ll be quicker to just wash the dishes we’ve used.”

“Good point. I’ll dry them, then. Go ahead if you want to get started, I don’t mind.”

I paused before nodding and getting to my feet. “Come out when you’re done.” I took both my wine and my bowl and carried them out to the kitchen.

If we were done, it meant we were going to talk about yesterday.


My stomach flipped at the mere thought of it. Could I really play it off coolly? Was it possible for me to brush it off as if it were nothing?

Possible or not, I had to try.

I poured the last of the wine into my glass while the sink filled up. Talking while doing the dishes was going to be far less awkward than sitting there across from one another, so maybe I’d just have to get it started as soon as he came in.

It was fine.

I was an adult.

I could do this.

“Are you trying to flood the kitchen?”

I jerked out of my reverie and reached for the tap before the water overfilled the sink. “Shit.”

Theodore chuckled, putting his bowl down. “I guess not.”

“Psh,” I muttered, rolling up my sleeves so I could reach down into the water and let some of the water out. “I was thinking about something else.”

“Let me guess: your little peep show yesterday?”

My cheeks flamed, and I shoved the plug back in the hole and turned to look at him. “Listen here, you—”

“Why are you blushing so hard?” He leant in, his grey-blue eyes twinkling. “I’m the one who got peeped on. Shouldn’t I be the embarrassed party here?”

“It was a mistake!” I grabbed the cloth and stepped back, putting some distance between us. “I didn’t know you were in there.”

“How could you not know? I told you I was going up there, the shower was on, and I closed the door.”

I stilled. “You… told me?”

“Yes, while you were doing yoga. I told you I was taking a shower in the main bathroom because the one in my bathroom wasn’t heating the water properly. Someone is coming on Monday morning to look at it. You said okay.”


So, that’s what he said.

“Um.” I turned my attention to washing the dishes. “Actually, I had no idea you said that. I had my earbuds in and was listening to music, so I didn’t hear a thing.”

“So, why did you say okay?”

“Because you were in my face while I was trying to plank, and only masochists hold a conversation while planking. I wanted you to go away.”

Theodore sighed, reaching back for the tea towel to dry the dishes as I washed them. “That explains so much. Is that why you didn’t hear the shower?”
