Page 9 of You're the Boss

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ME: Let me guess. She’s still pursuing him?

HARVEY: Worse. The viscount has suggested a marriage agreement.

Fuck me dead.

This was really not my night.

Also, how archaic could they be? What was this, the seventeen-hundreds? Who arranged marriages for business purposes these days?

ME: Goodie. I can’t wait for The Bastard to whinge the whole way home.

HARVEY: You’re still there?

ME: Of course, I am. I’m getting paid two-and-a-half times my base pay for this and I’m just sitting at the bar. Also, you texted while I was driving.

HARVEY: Is it just the president? Or is the duke there too?

ME: Just the president. Do you think it means they’re not taking the proposal seriously?

HARVEY: I called Dad earlier, and he thinks so. The duke is the head of the family, so if it was being seriously considered, he’d be there.

ME: That should temper his mood somewhat.

HARVEY: Aren’t you the optimist today?

ME: Why don’t you stop bugging me and call your best friend so I can go home?

HARVEY: He doesn’t listen to me. He only listens to you.

ME: If he listened to me, he’d have accepted my resignation the first time I tried to offer it to him.

HARVEY: Please. He can’t live without you. That’s why he’s not listening.

ME: You make it sound like I’m in an abusive relationship.

ME: Actually, I might be.

HARVEY: …When you put it like that, it’s hard to refute.

ME: So, tell your best friend to accept my fucking resignation before I commit murder.

“Chloe? I thought it was you, but Theo insisted you were in the car.” Lord Alastair Black, the heir to the dukedom of Ruxleigh, President of Black Ink Corporation, and The Bastard’s father dropped onto the bar stool next to me. “What are you doing in here?”

“Good evening, sir,” I said, smiling widely at him. “I was told it was against company policy to wait in the car, so here I am.”

He tutted and turned to Theodore. “Theo, I’ve told you about making her wait for you outside of the office hours. If you were going to insist that she go with you, you should have told me so she could join us. It’s a wonder she hasn’t left the company yet.”

Ha. Ha.


Yes. It was a wonder, wasn’t it?

It was a wonder I was still.Stuck. In. This. Company.

“Can we not do this here, Dad?” The Bastard asked, running his hand through his hair and looking away. “If we aren’t eating, may I leave?”
