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More Than Roommates

I laid on my side with my head propped up on my hand as I watched Wes sleep peacefully. I would give anything to have this moment frozen in time. I was so tempted to reach over and brush a stand of hair away from his forehead, but I kept my hands to myself. After the two amazing rounds of lovemaking last night, I knew he had to be exhausted.

Deciding to let him sleep, I quietly slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom, then headed out of the bedroom to the living room. I opened the shades to see everything covered in snow with a good amount of snow still falling. I smiled as I looked out over the harbor. I would never get tired of this view.

I had officially moved in with Wes right after the new year, and we’d been living together for a month now. The only thing I missed about my old place was that I could walk to work. But Wes and I commuted into the city together every morning, and it was one of my favorite times of the day. We’d stop for coffee and tea, then Wes would drop me off, then he’d head to his office on the days he went in. There was no work today, though, with the snowstorm that had blown in.

“Thank goodness we stocked up on food,” I softly said as I turned away from the large sliding glass doors.

Opening the refrigerator, I decided on French toast and fruit for breakfast. I’d let Wes sleep until it was time to eat. I was soon lost in my own thoughts as I busied myself with making the French toast my mother used to make, and didn’t hear Wes come up behind me. I felt him, though, moments before he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck, causing a rush of goosebumps to appear across my entire body.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he whispered against my ear.

Leaning my head back, he pulled my ear lobe into his mouth and gently tugged on it. “Morning. Did you see how much snow fell?”

“Not yet. I smelled something amazing, and when I walked out here and saw you in nothing but my shirt, I got distracted.”

I laughed and turned in his arms. “I didn’t want to wake you up; you looked so peaceful sleeping.”

“You wore me out last night.”

“I wore you out? Excuse me, you were the one who kept bringing me to the edge of an orgasm only to stop. That was mean.”

He winked. “But tell me that orgasm wasn’t amazing once you finally came.”

“I won’t lie, it was amazing. I have coffee ready for you.”

Closing his eyes, he said, “This is why I love you.”

As he made his way over to get his coffee, I chuckled. “You love me because I have your coffee ready for you?”

“That’s one of the reasons I love you. Another reason I love you is that thing you do with your tongue around the head of my–”

Before he could finish his sentence, his phone rang. Wes usually charged his phone in the kitchen, so itwasn’t a distraction for him being next to his bed. Once he unplugged, the man really unplugged. I needed to do the same.

“This better be good!” he said, answering his phone.

I laughed and shook my head. It had to be Finn or Preston.


My heart fell to the floor, and I turned to see Wes standing there with a confused look on his face. I drew in a deep breath and pushed those old insecurities away. Wes loved me, and I knew that with my whole heart. Whatever she wanted, Wes would handle it.

“Why are you calling me? I thought I made it clear where we stood.”

I focused on getting the French toast onto each plate. I put a small amount of butter on each piece before I sprinkled powdered sugar on them. I set them both down on the kitchen island, then the bottle of juice, as well as cut-up fresh fruit.

Wes started to pour us each a glass of orange juice. His eyes met mine and he rolled them.

Sighing, he said, “I can’t help you, I’m sorry. My advice would be to find a good accountant and no, I don’t know any.”

What in the hell is she up to?

I sat down at one of the stools and started to pour the syrup over my food. Wes was beginning to lose his patience, I could tell.

“I’m going to say this one more time. I don’t care what happens in your life, Mandy. We don’t have a friendship; I don’t care what happens in your world. I would really appreciate it if you would lose my number.”

He pulled the phone away from his ear and hit End. “I’m blocking her number.”
