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With a smug smile, I replied, “Oh, I’m the executive assistant for the president and CEO of the Boston Red Sox.”

Wes started laughing. “Right. Seriously, Clare, who do you work for.”

“Seriously, Wes, the Boston Red Sox.”

His smile faded.

“Wow, if I only knew that by telling you where I worked you’d finally stop talking. If you could please shut the door now.”

A stunned Wes took a step back, then shut the door. Feeling like a million bucks again, I pulled out into traffic while singing Kelly Clarkson’s song, “Stronger” with a huge smile on my face.

• • •

When the doorbell rang, I drew in a quick breath and let it out. “This is going to be fun! Don’t think about dickhead, or the two kisses that left you breathless.”

I made my way to the door and opened it to see Alex standing there with a bouquet of flowers.

“Hi!” I said as I motioned for him to come in.

“These are for you,” he said, handing them to me.

I buried my face in the flowers and inhaled. “They smell lovely. Let me put them in a vase.”

Alex slipped his hands into the pockets of his black dress pants. He had on a black sweater with a white collared shirt underneath it. No jacket at all. His dark blond hair was styled perfectly, and he smelled like he put just a bit too much cologne on.

I wrinkled my nose, then rubbed it to keep from sneezing.

Opening the cabinet and finding my one and only vase, I pulled it out and filled it with water. “Make yourself at home while I take care of these.”

“Will do,” he replied, peeking into the bathroom, then walking over to the living room. “That is some view of Fenway Park.”

“Thanks!” I replied, carrying the vase of flowers over to the kitchen table. “I like it.”

“Are you, um, a big baseball fan?”

I laughed and set the flowers in the middle of the table. Anyone who lived in Boston was a Sox fan. “I sure am. From the time my father first brought me to a game when I was five.”

He nodded and looked back out the window. “I don’t care for baseball.”

I stared at him, shook my head, then stared at him some more. “You don’t like the Boston Red Sox?”

“I don’t like baseball at all. Or football. Really, any sports. Give me a play or opera any day over sports.”

Forcing a smile, I excused myself by saying that I needed to use the bathroom before we left. Once I was in the bathroom, I let my mouth drop open.

“Holy shit,” I softly whispered. “He doesn’t like the Sox?”

I had grabbed my phone on the way into the bathroom while Alex continued to glare at the stadium across the street. I pulled up Rory’s name.


It didn’t take her long to text back.

Rory: How could I what?!!?

Me: Set me up with a guy who doesn’t like the RED SOX.

The three dots started. Stopped. Started again.
