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“You want me to date you so that you can win your ex back and not feel guilty that you’re lying about this plan?”


I closed my eyes for a moment. “Wes, this isn’t going to turn out the way you think it will.”

“Maybe not, but I’m finding I like spending time with you. So unless you don’t like spending time with me…”

I tried to ignore the way his hands felt on my face or how he said he liked spending time with me. I wanted to tell him I was falling for him. That the person who was going to be hurt in the end was only going to be me. But I couldn’t. I kept telling him to be honest with Mandy when I couldn’t be honest with him. Or with myself. I knew this was an awful plan and also knew that I should walk away and not look back…but I couldn’t.

Sighing, I said, “If I do this, you are going to owe me so big.”

A wide grin erupted on his face, and he kissed me on the forehead. “I will totally owe you. I’ll do anything you want me to do.”

I lifted a brow. “Anything?”


“I want to meet Brady Thompson.”

He looked so confused as he dropped his hands and took a step back. His head fell back, and he laughed his ass off before finally getting himself under control. “You’re joking, right? The guy doesn’t even live in Boston. He’s not even a football player anymore! I think he’s in Georgia or something like that. Hell, you work for the Boston Red Sox, you have a better chance of making that happen than I do!”

I shrugged. “That is the deal. If you want to date me, I need to meet Brady Thompson.”

Rolling his eyes, Wes groaned and turned away from me. He appeared to be thinking of something, then spun back around and smiled that boyish smile he didn’t often give people. My heart tumbled around in my chest.

Pointing to me, he asked, “You want to meet Brady Thompson?”

With my hands on my hips, I nodded. “Yes.”

“So if I introduce you, you’ll do this for me?”

There was no way in hell it would happen, so I felt confident in saying I’d do it. “If you can introduce me to Brady Thompson, and it doesn’t have to be in person, it can be on Zoom, then yes, I’ll play your stupid dating game. But for the record, I think this is going to end badly.”

For me.

Wes wore a triumphant smile. “I need to go get dressed, I have calls I need to make.”

I took my mug of tea and walked back into the bedroom. “Hurry up! I need to take a shower and get to work!”


Pasta, Anyone?

It had taken me a week to do it, but I’d made it happen.

Smiling, I stood off to the side as Clare walked into the restaurant. When I told her to meet me at Menton at eight tonight, she had texted back asking me if I made enough money to buy her dinner there. Little did she know, I wasn’t going to be the one paying for the bill.

The hostess smiled brightly and motioned for Clare to follow her. I watched as Clare took everything in. From French linens to the finest of china. It was a classy, upscale restaurant that looked like it could be straight out of Europe.

They made their way back to the chef’s table, with its view of the kitchen. It normally sat twelve, but tonight it would only be seating for two.

Clare walked into the room that was decorated in grays and came to an abrupt halt when the man at the table stood. She turned to the hostess.

“Um, I think there is a mistake. I’m here to meet with a man named Wes Ward.”

Brady Thompson, former quarterback of the best footballteam in the nation, moved forward and reached his hand out to Clare. “Clare Monroe?”

She nodded and mumbled something that made him laugh.
