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Letting out a weary exhale, I said, “I think I’ll take Wes up on his offer. I don’t want to be alone, but I don’t want to intrude on you and Laura either.”

“You wouldn’t be,” Tim quickly stated. “You know you’re welcome to come home with me, Clare.”

I knew my brother wouldn’t have minded me staying with him and Laura, but I also knew they would want their own privacy. I shook my head. “Thank you for offering, but I know you’re excited to see Laura, and I want you to have that privacy.”

Tim reached for my hand and gave it a soft squeeze. “I’m going to stop by the nurses’ station and make sure they have both of our numbers.”

Wrapping my arms around my suddenly chilled body, I replied, “Sounds good. Thank you, Tim.”

He bent down and kissed me on the cheek. “I’ll call if I hear something, and you do the same.”

“I will. Be safe driving and tell Laura hi for me.”

Tim winked at me, then started for the nurses’ station. I closed my eyes and rotated my neck in a circle. Sleeping on that small sofa hadn’t exactly been comfortable.

“You’re exhausted” Wes whispered, reaching his hand out to brush a loose strand of hair away from my face. “How about I order some takeout and pick it up on the way to my place?”

My stomach took that moment to growl. “That sounds really good, thank you.”

Before I knew it, we were out of the hospital and in Wes’s car. I fought to keep my eyes open and quickly lost the battle. I somewhat heard him ordering food and talking to someone. The smell of something heavenly filled the car, and I only managed to open my eyes when I felt Wes park his car.

“What did you end up getting? It smells so good.”

“Italian from the place next to my condo. They’ve got great food.”

Wes got out of the car, three bags in his hand, as he opened the passenger side door for me. I got out and stretched. My entire body ached from being on that hospital sofa for nearly two days. Tim told me Wes had slept a few times on the floor, and I knew he had to be just as tired as I was.

“I feel like someone has used me for a punching bag.”

Wes laughed as we started for the elevators. “I’m sure you do. You’ve probably been wound up so tight with anxiety and fear, on top of an uncomfortable sofa.”

“Yeah,” I said as he pushed the button to go up.

“I’m just glad your mother and father are going to be okay.”

Dropping back against the elevator wall, I sighed. “So am I. I was so scared there for a little while. Especially when no one was coming out to tell us anything.”

“That is the worst feeling. The not knowing. I’m so glad your brother could get there, as well as your friends.”

“So am I, Wes, so am I.”

I soon found myself in Wes’s condo, standing in the foyer suddenly feeling so unsure about my decision to come here. I could have gone to Autumn’s place.

Wes set the to-go bags on the counter and glanced my way.

“Why don’t you go ahead and put your stuff in my room. I’m going to plate this food for us and heat up the bread.”

“O-okay, right. Thank you.” I started for his bedroom, thenstopped and looked his way. “You’re sure you don’t mind me being here?”

He smiled, and the way it reached his eyes caused something in my chest to squeeze.

“I don’t mind at all, Clare. I’ll sleep out here tonight instead of the guest room in case you need anything, and you can have my bed. It’s more comfortable than the guest bedroom bed.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary at all, Wes. I can sleep in the other room.”

He glanced up at me again as he started to unpack all the food he bought. “I want you to take my bed, Clare. Why don’t you take a shower and get comfortable.”

My eyes went wide. “I don’t have anything to sleep in.”
