Page 11 of Ryker

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Slash hung his head. “I needed to get out of my head, Aeron and I… Samael was on that case and-” He trailed off as I realized that the one man we both trusted hadn’t been available. I wasn’t enough for Slash in those moments and so he sought solace elsewhere. In a man I knew nothing about, nothing more than this little café and his slight obsession with Killian when we used to come here.

The truth was, that it wasn’t even about Tyrone. I was worried as shit about everything. It hurt a little that I had found out like this but in the end, so long as Slash came back to us, to me, I wasn’t bothered by who he spent time with. I was a selfish prick, and I wouldn’t apologize for it.

I clung to his shirt, one step away from breaking down. “I’m going fucking crazy, Slash.” I bit my lip, knowing all it took was one well-placed photograph to rip a hole in our perfectly crafted lives. It wouldn’t take the public long to start gathering clues that connected The Three Terrors to the livelihoods we shared, not to mention the package that showed up at our door. Someone already knew who we were, and if we weren’t careful, that information would be the death of us.

He smiled at me, shaking his head as he pushed me to the side of the café, far enough from prying eyes.

I wasn’t even sure what narrative the public would spin if they saw us entangled like this, but it would put us together, and if we were also seen with Samael, we’d be done for. Unfortunately for the three of us, I was getting tired of always hiding my true self. We couldn’t just adopt our real personas, but occasionally, I wished sharing a meal in public with all my lovers wouldn’t have people start connecting the dots.

As well established as we were in our professions, tongues would wag and then it would only be a matter of time before people drew a line between the three bachelors and Primrose’s Three Terrors.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close and placing a soft kiss on my forehead. Times like these, I was grateful to be a few inches shorter than him. “We’ll get this all figured out.”

Slash held the same warmth and comfort that Samael did, but different and still very much wanted. I leaned back slightly, trembling in his embrace. I needed Killian to make it through this shit. Slash smiled, stroking my cheek before dipping his head and pressing his lips against mine. The kiss was slow and sweet.

I moaned into his mouth as he took over, smashing me against the wall, his tongue demanding entrance. “You taste so fucking delicious.” I breathed against his lips.

Slash groaned, nestling his head in my neck. “See, I know what you meant, but fuck you can’t say things like that to me.”

I giggled against his lips, then pushed him off of me. Slash and I had always been a chaotic mix, the crazier pair of our group, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Killian really did pull us all together. I wasn’t complaining.

The trip was silent but comfortable as I hitched a ride with Slash. He pulled around the back, and we entered through the basement to keep prying eyes from seeing us together. My phone buzzed in my pocket, my brows furrowing at a number I had hoped I wouldn’t want to see again. When I didn’t answer, the call dropped, and then a text popped up.

Slash moved up behind me, his chin on my shoulder. “Is that the journalist guy who interviewed you a few weeks ago?”

I nodded, my nose scrunching up as I read what he wanted. Apparently, The Revival wanted a tell-all after finding out I had dated Killian. “Seems they want another interview.” I’d have to fudge some of the details, but I'd be inclined to say yes if it would get them off my back and, most importantly, off Killian’s. Killian hadn’t said anything, but Samael had told us about the surmounting missed calls and messages clogging up the kid’s phone, demanding answers.

Slash chuckled as he pulled away and headed for the stairs. “I would not want to be you explaining to Killian why you’re back at his office.”

“I won’t. I just won’t tell him.”

“That seems like a horrible idea, Aeron. Seriously? That kid is cracking and lies aren’t going to help the situation!” Slash threw a fist at my upstairs door, causing it to swing back harshly and pound against the wall. “Just wait till Samael hears about your little idea.”

“It’s a good idea, though.” I was only saying that because it had fallen into my lap.

“Then you also get to explain that shit to Samael. Good luck with that.” Slash ended the conversation by heading toward the landline and swiping a takeout menu from the fridge.


Monday rolled around faster than I had hoped, but Samael was no longer avoiding me. Snuggled into his chest, I let out a little sigh, ignoring the vibration of my phone.

Samael groaned into my neck, wrapping his arm tighter around my waist as my phone went off again. Twisting around in his hold, I glared at my father’s number, scrolling across the screen before it disappeared, added to the mounting missed calls from former friends and coworkers trying to get the scoop on my relationship with Primrose’s favorite chef. When my father’s name popped up again, I decided to answer the call before he did something drastic, like send out a search team.

“Thank you for picking up. I didn’t mean for you to avoid me.”

He sounds like he’s speaking to a business partner.

I brushed off Dark’s comment as I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to tidy it as Samael slipped from the bed and the sound of the shower began. “Not avoiding you. I just didn’t have anything else to say.” The few moments we had shared at that Italian restaurant earlier last week hadn’t really made me want to spend more time with him. We weren’t close, and his constant denial that he left Mom to die in a hospital by herself left me with little to no respect for him. Add in the fact that he thought journalism was a waste of time, and I didn’t know why I even bothered to stay on the phone this long. “Did you need something?” The question came off a little more abrupt than I had planned, but when my father just hummed as if to say, ‘Just checking up on you,’ I hung up, not wanting to make small talk.

Seconds later, Samael pressed against me, his lips on my shoulder. “Let’s go, Killer.” After I had made it clear that I was going to work despite what had happened over the weekend, Samael attached himself to my side, exhibiting an overprotectiveness I hadn’t seen before. He wouldn’t explain the change in his demeanor, but I knew it had to do with the most recent murder that still hadn’t been connected to anyone.

Fuck, I could have stayed in that shower for another hour as Samael fucked me against the wall, but then I’d be late for work. Monday morning was calling, and I couldn’t – scratch that – I wouldn’t miss it. Alex would be on my ass as well as the rest of the office. They already knew I had dated three of Primrose’s most eligible bachelors. Hiding would make everything worse.

I had fought Dark and Daemon for dominance, both of them claiming that they needed more fresh air than the other. In the end, I won because it was my body. I shook out my damp hair, scrambling to find my shoes and jacket. I had a good five minutes before I’d miss the last bus that ran past this place, and if I had to walk, I might as well stay home. Lucy purred between my legs, seemingly happier with the abundance of food overflowing in her bowl.

I felt a little guilty that I hadn’t been able to provide for her like that, but maybe this was the start of something better. Where the fuck were my shoes? My anxiety was starting to rise again, Dark and Daemon whispering soothing words to get me to calm down. A panic attack would do none of us any good, and then Samael would think he broke me. He had no idea how much he was actually keeping me together.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry?”
