Page 13 of Ryker

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My little flower, just talk to us out loud. Innocent people like that don’t like crazy people.


I blinked and stared at the kid, but he seemed undeterred. In fact, he seemed intrigued, “Nyla told me that you talk to yourself sometimes, but I figure that’s how you work through your research. I think it’s a really cool tactic. I draw out my stories before I write them up.”

I frowned. The fuck was this kid on? He was a fucking idiot.

He’s probably not as innocent as he looks. Let’s try a different tactic.

Like what? This kid looks like he fucking worships K.

“Nyla said to shadow you for the week, and then I’ll be ready to do stuff on my own.”

I kind of wanted Nyla back, even if she had tried to cross me to climb up the chain of command. I couldn’t blame her for trying to be more than a minion. I just wished I hadn’t been her step ladder to do so. My mind wandered for a moment, wondering how Nyla had escaped the cubby in the first place. I hadn’t dished on any of the details. In fact, I hadn’t spoken to her in almost a week since she started ignoring me. I glared back at the new kid when I realized he was just staring at me. What was he staring at? “Do you realize where you’re working?”

“Yeah, The Revival. It’s the place to work.”

Oh, so no one had updated the ‘welcome speech.’ It was how I got pulled in. It was how everyone got pulled in. The Revival wasn’t just the place to work. It was the only place to work besides the big city newspaper. And fuck if you ever even got seen at that place unless you had connections. I sighed, ready to wreck Gary’s entire world. I was feeling a little chaotic today. “It’s a shithole, and we’re the minions. We do whatever we’re asked. And you’ll be lucky to do anything more than photocopy. Maybe some research. But seeing as how they stuck you here in my cubby, you’re not going anywhere anytime soon.”

His lip quivered, but he recovered rather quickly. How was he so damn happy? “I’m sure that’s not true. You haven’t been here that long, and you’ve already snagged one of the biggest stories of the entire year.”

“What are you talking about?”

I told you to get rid of him, but you decided to keep on talking to him.

I brushed off Daemon’s comment, wondering what Gary was hiding up his sleeve. It probably had something to do with how ecstatic he was to meet me. I leaned forward expectantly.

He giggled, slapping his hand over his mouth, radiating pure glee. I’d say I wanted whatever he was on, but I felt like my face would hurt from working out those cheek muscles so often. Gary slapped my arm playfully. “Don’t play coy with me. That’s the only reason I got this seat. Nyla got promoted, and there’s talk that you will be too.”

I rose to my feet, fists clenched, leering over him. He didn’t flinch, but I could see the fear in his eyes as my eyes flashed between Dark and Daemon’s personalities. “What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Talking. About?”

“Phoenix agreed to an exclusive about his life. Like a tell-all. They assumed you brought him in.”

“We’re not a gossip column.” I spat out without thinking. My mind was still registering that Phoenix had agreed to an interview. Which meant that he would be here. At my job. Talking about me. Fuck.

K, you need to breathe.

He needs to get rid of Gary.

I ignored both of them, squinting at the kid as he leaned back in his seat, far away from my imposing gaze. “Well, it’s a good thing it’s not gossip, isn’t it?”

I bared my teeth at him, agitation bristling underneath my fingertips. I wanted to know what was going on. One moment, I was trying to shield my relationship from them. The next, Samael was telling me that my job was dangerous. And now Aeron was here, giving an exclusive? It didn’t add up. None of it did.

“He’s here right now if you want to catch him before he leaves.” Gary pointed in the general direction of Alex’s office. “Probably Alex’s office. You really didn’t know? I thought you guys were close.”

“We were.”

Oh, I was going to shit in this man’s Cheerios. Aeron’s, not Gary’s. Gary’s Cheerios would be shit on at a later time. Right now, Aeron was going to wish he hadn’t messed with me. Which, to be honest, was a tall order coming from a kid with voices in his head against a fucking cannibal. But hey, weirder things had happened.

Go get him, tiger.

Maybe ask questions first? Your men seem to have a reason behind a lot of things.

Fuck that, get him by the throat, and demand answers.

“Fuck both of you. I’m just curious.”

Daemon’s method didn’t sound so bad. That should have terrified me. It didn’t.
