Page 28 of Ryker

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“A lot of things, to be honest. But mainly?” I flashed my badge with a sinister smile, and they stepped back. My smile widened as I unearthed the crazy expression I had mastered all too well.

“You? You can’t be an officer. The things you used to do… do they know?”

I licked my lips. “Nope, and they won’t be finding out. Now, I think it’s best you find yourselves somewhere else.”

The door opened, and Aeron peeked out, wrapping an arm around my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder and kissed my cheek swiftly. “Why’d you leave the bed? We weren’t nearly done.” A tired but wicked smile flickered on his lips before his attention fell on his foster mothers.

For a moment, I thought that this scene would unravel into chaos. Instead, Aeron grabbed me a little tighter and just stared forward, his eyes void of emotion like he used to look at their house. “I’d leave if I were you guys.”

“Vinnie, I—”

“Save it. I know why you’re here. But I’d leave before he sees you. You didn’t help him. You broke him. He won’t be happy to see you. He’ll gut you, then I’ll feast on your carcass.”

The women shuddered. Heck, so did I. Aeron wasn’t completely wrong. We all had our crazy, but if Slash got wind that these women wanted to reconnect or whatever the fuck they were here for, he’d do more than strip them piece by piece.

The women departed after unsuccessfully trying to leave a contact number, and Aeron dragged me back into the house with a warning look to keep my mouth shut. I had no intention of bringing them up, but Slash wasn’t stupid. My attention fell onto Slash pressing Killian against the kitchen wall, tangling him into a passionate kiss as his hands gripped the kid’s ass. Maybe I shouldn’t have been that worried.

Slash tore himself away from Killian’s lips long enough to stare at the door. Red hot fury swarmed through his features. “They’re not coming in here, are they?” Killian peered around Slash’s side, the innocent look back in full swing. He was going to give me whiplash.

Aeron sighed. “No. But I don’t think they’re leaving town anytime soon. They said something about reconnecting…” He trailed off and fell into one of the chairs at the table.

Slash dropped his head, pulled Killian to the table, and set him in a seat. Killian gave him a little pout, his lips thoroughly bruised, his eyes unfocused. Slash ruffled his hair with a silent promise and then stared at me, “Did you let them know what happens if I find them?”


“Did you really?” I watched Slash unearth his favorite knife, his pearly whites on display as an uneasy grin spread across his cheeks. “Because I’m pretty sure you didn’t tell them that I’d carve into them as they plead for sweet relief, and just as they think I’m going to give them peace, I’ll rip their skin off their carcass with my teeth as their blood runs over my tongue. And then, when the agony overcomes them, and their last breath leaves their bodies, I’ll throw them to fishes. They aren’t even worth eating.”

I could see the darkness creeping into Slash’s eyes and knew he was serious. It was just bad timing – between Jenny’s murder, Killian’s madness, and my newest assignment. Why couldn’t things ever be easy?

My gaze followed Slash as he carried Killian into the backroom, knowing that Aeron or I should have stopped him, but we all expelled our demons differently. However, when I saw that he was still brandishing his knife, I realized that the reappearance of his foster mothers had brought back a monster we hadn’t seen in more than a decade.

As long as Killian wasn’t screaming, I’d hold back. Knowing the kid, he would probably enjoy every last bit Slash was about to deal out.


Splayed out naked on the mattress wasn’t the problem. Slash’s terrifying glare as he straddled me on the mattress, however, had me wondering what he was about to do, his knife slowly dragging down my cheek and across my collarbone. He had brought out a few toys from Aeron’s nightstand, a pair of handcuffs, and a blindfold, his eyes a darker shade of black than I had ever seen. I was no stranger to the games he liked to play, but I couldn’t be sure he was in control now.

“Red,” I blurted out, Slash immediately halting moments from locking my wrist to the headboard. He tilted his head to the side, pulling away, his knife still in one hand as he ran his other hand up and down my chest to soothe my panic. He waited for me to explain. “I… just… not the toys.” I needed to see what he was doing to me, and I needed to feel him. I wasn’t scared of the weapon in his hands, but I wanted to bring him back from that dark part of his head.

It had happened once or twice before that he stumbled into his apartment and took me until I couldn’t feel my body, but it seemed like the women at the door had seriously fucked with his head. My breathing slowed as he bent to lick at my lips, tasting me in an animalistic motion, silently promising me one of the darkest nights I had ever spent with my men.

“I need it to hurt, Daemon,” he whispered in my ear.

I knew what he meant. He needed to feel the pain, but I was about to give him something I didn’t think the others had ever offered. I didn’t know what line I was crossing, but it felt right, and with Slash, I wanted to be everything for him.

“Then hurt me,” I whispered back.

He paused in shock but recovered quickly, retracing his movements with the knife again but with a little more pressure down my naked chest, leaving a trail of crimson behind. He dipped down, dragging his tongue along the path, groaning as he cleaned me up. As if the taste of my blood fulfilled his need for pain.

We had definitely reached a different level of twisted, but I only wanted more. We wanted more. I shifted beneath him, Slash halting his movements. He raised an eyebrow, his blade hovering over my lower belly. “Do you want me to stop?”

I shook my head, knowing that Killian was going to curse me out later. “No. I want you inside me.”

His breath quickened as he slid off of me and for a painful moment, I thought he was going to leave. Instead, Slash meticulously slipped off his clothing, folding each piece as if putting on a show. I propped myself up on an elbow, grabbing my cock with my other hand, and started pumping as delicious naked flesh came into view.

“Hands off, Daemon.”

My eyebrows rose in surprise. He had used my name before but I had thought he was just guessing. Aeron could almost always tell the differencebetweenus but Slash? That was new.
