Page 31 of Ryker

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Alex gave me a small smile, but I could read him like a fucking book. He wasn’t comforting me. He wasn’t even giving me a true choice. “No idea. They wouldn’t tell me much. But get some dirt on him, and maybe we can write something up.”

“Why do you keep thinking I’m going to open my mouth and spill his secrets?”

“Because I think you’re going to eventually.”

“Keep thinking that.” I knew I should have given the reins back to Killian, as much as I didn’t want to. He would have kept his mouth shut and head down, nodded, shooed the women away, and returned to his regularly scheduled work. But maybe the fact that we kept getting walked all over was the problem? Maybe showing Alex that we weren’t worthless was better? The hardened look in his eyes didn’t give me much hope.

“I’ll have them directed into the conference room.”


Really stepping up, Dark. I’m liking this new side of you. It’s getting me all hot and shit. I brushed him off, but to be honest, this new bold side was invigorating.

“Excuse me?”

“I want to talk to them in here.” Keep pushing my luck, ‘fake it till I make it’ was the only path forward now. Killian would have to forgive me. Later. I didn’t feel much resistance from him at the moment. He seemed almost… pleased? That shit was weird.


“You forget that I’m not as stupid as you pretend I am. I know that you have cameras in every hallway, all the conference rooms, and all the offices. Except for this one.”

A breathy sigh left my boss’ lips as he shook his head. “Too smart for your own good. Fine, you’ve got fifteen minutes.”

My brows raised as I fought to keep my mouth closed in shock. I was surprised that he agreed, but then again, Alex was waiting for me to give in, to crack, to offer up the juiciest story The Revival had had in ages.

As Alex rounded his desk and headed for the door, he swiveled around, meeting my eyes. “For the record, this new bold exterior you’ve got going on? You should bring it out more often. The timid pipsqueak usually tiptoeing around doesn’t do it for me.”

“Then why the fuck did you hire me?” I bit my lip, shocked at my own outburst. Killian was going to get flack for that.

Alex just chuckled. “Because I saw the darkness in your eyes.” He winked before slipping out the door.

I didn’t know what to say to that because, let’s be honest, a year ago, when I started, Daemon wasn’t a thing, and I was just always horny. Whatever this darkness was – it wasn’t us. Which meant that something was wrong with Killian.


Sitting in Alex’s chair, feet propped up on his desk, hands folded behind my head, was both enthralling and a power move as the two women entered the office. They bowed their heads in confusion, glancing back at the door and then at me. I would play this hot shit, second only to the boss man, for as long as I could, especially in front of these Walmart witches.

I knew they hadn’t been expecting to see me – the small frame of a man, innocence in his eyes, with no business crossing paths with a cannibal.

Seconds ago, I switched with Dark, reasoning that these women knew the darkness that followed their foster kids. I wondered which of the three they had housed – Aeron for sure. But I couldn’t figure out which of the other two they fostered. Having all three seemed unlikely for many reasons. I bit back a giggle at the thought that these women had tried to wrangle those three into shape.

They slid into the seats, and then we sat in uncomfortable silence. My eyes traveled between them, wondering what was important enough to seek me out at my own job.

“Um… Killian, is it?”

I nodded gingerly but didn’t speak. I was too intrigued by the fear lurking in their eyes. I tried to muster up enough darkness in mine so they wouldn’t think Aeron was holding me captive. One of the women flinched; the other didn’t smile.

“My name is Casey, and this is my wife, Talia. We fostered Vinnie and Jason when they were younger.” I blinked a few times, trying to figure out who the fuck – oh.

My mind wandered back to the hardened look in Slash’s eyes after Samael and Aeron had come back from speaking with someone at the door. I had heard those names, even heard someone call Samael ‘Timothy.’ I couldn’t see the big guy being a Timothy.

Slowly taking them in, I tried to catalog their features and came up short. They were just so… bland. Older women just before the wrinkles set in, a brunette and a blonde, slightly taller than me. Oh, and their eyes screamed death. Not that they were dangerous, just that there was no life behind them.

Any of their other features I tuned out. It wasn’t important. They weren’t important.

“We’re here to warn you.”

I gave them my attention again, watching Casey hold Talia’s hand tightly in hers. So, Casey was the one who was determined to meet me. Talia was frightened, but I wasn’t sure if it was for her precious foster kids or me.
