Page 48 of Ryker

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We also don’t need it. We’ve got wonderful men at our side.

I snorted at Daemon’s comment as I entered the building and swiped one of Karen’s mystery muffins, stuffing the entire thing into my mouth before grimacing at whatever the fuck I had just eaten.

Feeling a little adventurous today, are we?

That shit has always been gross. Stop eating it.

A strange giggle slipped from my throat, Gary staring at me as the foreign sound escaped into our cubicle. I snarled back at him, and he swiveled around, leaving me to myself. My men had been reluctant to let me go – well, Aeron and Slash had. I had woken up to both men curled around me, a sea of limbs casing me in. For a moment, I felt warm. Safe. Loved. And in the next moment, I felt suffocated, scrambling to the edge of the bed for relief.

They didn’t acknowledge it, although I did have to fight to be allowed to return to work. Samael had been noticeably absent, but no one seemed to know where he went – or they just weren’t telling me again.

I clicked around my computer, trying hard to ignore the rapidly appearing messages on the right side of the screen. For whatever goddamn reason, Nyla had been constantly pinging me for a chat. I wasn’t sure what she wanted, but it was nothing I wanted to discuss.

Just tell her to fuck off.

You do it. K, let Daemon do it.

“Fuck both of you,” I hissed under my breath, hoping and praying that Gary couldn’t hear me or was at least minding his own fucking business. Not likely.

What’s wrong? Something’s off with you.

I squirmed uncomfortably in my chair, my eyes shifting to the hallway by our cubicle and then back to my monitor. Between last night and this morning, I felt like I had started chipping away at that void in my head again, but no matter how much I hacked away at it, nothing happened. Well… except for the fact that a noticeable piece of my morning seemed to be missing.

I hadn’t grabbed that fucking muffin, and I knew for sure that Dark and Daemon would have steered clear. Even when it was lodged in my mouth, I couldn’t spit it out. I swallowed, which didn’t make a lick of fucking sense, and I had been present at that moment.


I didn’t answer, my stomach threatening to rebel as I took off down the hallway and headed for the bathroom in the abandoned wing. Remnants of muffin and bits of last night’s food found their way into the sink as my stomach pumped its entire contents. I wasn’t even sure why I felt like this – other than continually scratching at that dark part of my mind. I just… needed to know. I needed to understand.

Goddamnit. Daemon, can’t you take over or something?

Fucking trying. My little flower - the fuck…

I felt myself shutting down before I could voice it, knowing full well that I crawled into my head again, wrapping my arms around my knees as I squeezed myself into the corner of the bathroom. Fuck. I tried to speak with my voices but couldn’t reach them as darkness overwhelmed me. The last thing I remembered was cold. So, fucking cold.


I’d rolled the dice to figure out who I wanted to watch first. All three of my little terrors had lost focus recently, playing with their stupid Kitten. What was even so great about him? He had torn their attention from their most important task to… what? Fucking? That wasn’t important. Killing was. It was so goddamn important.

Which was why I had chosen to focus on the silent, crazy one – the cannibal. I watched Aeron – Phoenix, what a god-awful name to hide behind – serve his guests with that customer service smile we all knew and loved. But there was a sadness in his eyes that didn’t used to be there – courtesy of their Kitten.

I was sure I could replace that kid in a heartbeat if all they wanted was a little crazy. I could show them that we were one and the same, that I fit better in their lives than that kid ever could.

Aeron served another plate, and I growled as I watched him. The fire in his eyes was gone. Fucking unacceptable. I would help them focus. It was only right. I would show them how important I was to their cause. I had been keeping the snooty little investigator out of their business as best I could, but it was only a matter of time before the chief of police brought him in to help with the case.

Casey was supposed to be my next victim. But she could wait.

Right now, I needed their Kitten.

A devious grin spread across my lips as a new plan settled into my thoughts.

Yes, this would be perfect.

They would understand then.


Going dark had lasted all of five hours before Brent called me with an ‘emergency.’ I had nearly ripped him a new one through the phone before my right hand told me that Slash was about to go off the rails. When I told him to explain, Brent told me in grave detail how he had sent someone into the basement two hours ago, and the screams were still echoing against the walls.
