Page 55 of Ryker

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I needed all of them to hurt just a little.

A sinister grin slipped onto my face as I jingled the keys and undid the lock. He was chained to the wall, courtesy of what I had done to Killian, making him some high-profile hot shot. They really should have had more eyes on him. I threw the door open and stepped inside, wanting to belt out some stupid line about how I wasn’t stuck in here with him; he was stuck in here with me, but we already knew how this would end up.

This poor excuse of a kid was trembling as I chewed at the camera, knowing that it wasn’t actually on. I was thorough, after all.

Leaning down, I placed a piece of duct tape onto the kid’s lips, “Stay quiet. We can’t have anyone in here finding out I got in.” The muffled screams were glorious as I created a portrait worthy of Slash, even leaving him a little present on the wall. I hoped I got to see his face when he found out.


Moans and gasps of pleasure reached my ear, my dick immediately standing at attention as my body began to respond to the orgies flowing through my ears. What the fuck? I sat up straight, blinking rapidly as I tried to take in the surrounding area. I had been at the hospital at one point, but this was definitely not the hospital. Where the fuck am I?

Bondage Palace.


Daemon huffed, annoyed. Not sure how long we’ve been here or how we got here. I assume we walked because my feet hurt like a bitch. Been trying to get your lazy ass to wake up for a minute.

My head turned on a swivel, realizing that I was pressed in the back of a booth, one guy gnawing on my shoulder and trying to pass it off as a love bite. Does he think that’s sexy? I grimaced, shrugging him off as I slipped out and headed for the front door.

Daemon hadn’t been wrong. We were barefoot and dressed in one of Samael’s large shirts and boxers. Before we ended up here, I was sure we had been sleeping, tucked under many blankets that smelled like all my men. And now we were here.

My mind was everywhere, Daemon trying to calm me down. I called out to Killian, but he didn’t answer. I also couldn’t fucking find him in our head. But a door that had been locked earlier was now cracked open, boasting darkness and terror that made Daemon look like child’s play. Fuck.

Sleepwalking had been my first guess until I saw that. There was another one of us… but who it was or what they were about, fuck if I knew.

I patted around my pockets. No phone. Guess I’d be walking back home. Calling the three wasn’t even an option. If they knew, they’d eat me alive. They’d be furious that I left but even more furious that I had ended up in Bondage Palace. I had three men to fuck me, fulfilling the darkest desires of my soul.

Walking in the grass beside the sidewalk to keep from cutting my feet up anymore, eyes downcast, I tried to rumble through my short-term memory to remember how I had ended up at Bondage Palace. But I kept coming up empty, cold seeping through my skin. I shivered, the pain in my arm starting to ache again.

Finn was after me – well, Killian – because of my men. But that kid in the warehouse couldn’t have been Finn. His eyes weren’t dark enough, and he hesitated every time he moved as if waiting for direction. My men didn’t even think it was Finn that had been taken away.

Headlights swerved in my direction, and I rubbed my face to brace for the worst. I hadn’t been watching where I was walking, and I realized I had drifted into the street, just asking to get hit. Seconds later, strong arms wrapped around me, voices reaching my ears shortly after. “Thank fuck!”

“Where have you been?”

“What are you doing out here in that?”

All three of my men surrounded me with frantic touches and kisses. I slipped from the embrace, watching their shocked faces as they realized I was Dark, not Killian. Silence met me as they gave me a moment to explain. My body racked with guilt, and tears began to fall down my cheeks, “I don’t know.” I hated telling them the truth—that we were losing to an anonymous user.

Samael’s gruff voice sliced through the night air. “What do you mean you don’t know?” His tone was plagued with a fear I didn’t recognize in him.

“I don’t know. I just kind of… woke up in the booth. Well, Daemon did. And then I did. I’m not sure where Killian is, but—” I thought about saying something about that open door in our head and the fact that Killian might have been sucked in, but I didn’t.

“But what?” Aeron asked.

“It’s getting worse. The blackouts. I don’t know what happened.” I dropped my eyes, running my toes along the gravel. I knew my feet were cut to shit, but I ignored the pain to avoid their eyes.

“Where did you wake up?” Slash.

“Does it matter?” I barked out, gathering what little confidence Daemon and I had left.

“Kil – Dark.”

“Bondage Palace.”

Samael grunted, and I was surprised to hear Slash’s voice; it was gentle and did not judge me. “Any reason you’d go there?” Whatever had happened while I was passed out must have done a number on these three men.

I managed a slight shrug, eyeing their car and wishing we could have this conversation on the way home. Then again, I might not have offered any information squished between them. “Not that I can think of. Daemon and I are more than satisfied by you three. We only ever went there to get an itch scratched, and well… we don’t currently have an itch.”
