Page 56 of Ryker

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They didn’t move, standing around me like bodyguards or like… like I was going to run. I wouldn’t do that.

“Look, I know you’re worried, but can we go elsewhere? It’s cold, and I’m really fucking sore.” I bit back the urge to rip Daemon a new one. These men were worried, and here I was, being rude about it.

“Worried doesn’t begin to cover it,” Slash mumbled as they ushered me into the car, setting himself on one side and Aeron on the other as Samael posted himself in the driver seat and took off down the road. It almost felt like a jail as we sat in tense silence until Samael spoke up.

“You’re going to have to speak to your father tomorrow about what happened in the warehouse. He knows you were there, thanks to the hospital calling the police to find you.”

It wasn’t lost on me that Samael referred to Chief Matthews as my father – as if all three of us were one entity.

“And I need you to do it.”

“Me, why me?” I leaned forward, intrigued. Samael knew it was me and not Killian, right?

“Because Daemon is a little hardheaded, and your father is already off his rocker with what happened to his son.”

I’m not that bad.

I sat back and nodded, staring at Samael through the rearview mirror. Aeron nudged me from the side, and I turned to look at him, noticing the worry in his eyes. “And you still can’t reach Killian?”

I tried to call him, but only Daemon answered. “No. He’s not anywhere.”

I didn’t know what that meant for us – for Daemon and me, for the new guy in the darkness. But I did know that without Killian, we would slowly unravel until there wasn’t anything left.

The shrill ring of a phone interrupted my search for Killian, Samael roughly pressing the answer button on the car’s display panel. “Yes?”

“Would you like to tell me why you mentioned that my son was fine and then I get a call from the hospital that he escaped?” None of us answered but I could tell my father was both furious and terrified for my safety. “Did you really think they wouldn’t call the chief of police after your little stunt? I’ll be at the hospital in fifteen minutes and then you can explain to my face how you’re taking care of my boy.”

The call ended and I tucked myself a little farther into my seat. Something was wrong and I had a feeling that things were only going to get worse before they got better.


Samael had driven us back to the hospital, apologizing profusely for my manic state and blaming it on being part of a traumatic accident. The nurse didn’t seem to believe the story, but she left us alone.

“Calm down,” Samael whispered in my ear. There had been a host of whispers and chatter when I had come back into the building, eyes trained on my bruised form.

I shifted uncomfortably beneath Samael’s touch, his hands squeezing my shoulders slightly. “I can’t! Killian keeps disappearing, and Daemon is furious.”

“Why? What’s wrong with Daemon?” Samael wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest, kissing the top of my head before releasing me when I winced from the pain.

I shook my head frantically, trying to stave off any worries that Samael was conjuring up. “What? No. Nothing is wrong with Daemon! Brent is annoying as fuck. He was asking questions a few days ago.” A few of the times I had been wandering around Samael’s estate, I had caught Brent staring at me from across a hallway or down a corner. I’m sure he didn’t mean it to be creepy but catching that dark gaze in my direction, that one raised brow as if cataloging my chaotic movements pissed Daemon off. Hell, it pissed us all off.

There was no need for us to lie to Brent about the presence of Killian’s alters but something about him rubbed Daemon the wrong way. Knowing that he was going to be shadowing us to work didn’t make it any better.

There was no need for the man to think that we weren’t all put together or as much as we could be. My men said they were nothing like my father and wouldn’t commit me, but a small piece of me didn’t believe them. People could only take so much before they gave in.

“What’s wrong with questions?”

“Nothing.” I spat out as fast as I could. I wasn’t helping the situation, was I? Where was Daemon when I needed him? “It was his questions. He asked which one I was.” Samael’s face scrunched and I let out a ragged sigh. “I think he knows about the others. The ones up here.” I tapped my temple.

“I’ll tell him to lay off.”

“It won’t work. Pretty sure he thinks I’m crazy and gets off on everything.” I bit my lip when Samael smirked.

“Dark, you do. So does Daemon. Hell, even Killian does. Now, deep breaths – tell Killian’s father everything you remember, and then you can rest.”

That was a relief, but not enough. I didn’t want to talk with Killian’s father. I didn’t like the man; he was smarter than he let on. “Um… I… can I switch with Daemon?”

“Fuck no. He’s a bit too abrasive for this.”
