Page 63 of Ryker

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Killian is gone again, and this guy’s been beating the shit out of us.

What does he want?

To teach our men a lesson.

I straightened up as much as I could among the open wounds and bruises. Finn was cackling about some joke he had made. “They’ll be here soon, and then they’ll understand this isn’t a fucking game.”

“Wait… you called them?” The look of horror on my face wasn’t hard to miss. Finn was playing chess while my men were playing checkers.

“One of them sent me straight to voicemail the first time. Then I used your phone, and it was like magic. They’re all wondering where you are. You didn’t show up to work after all.”

“I… didn’t?” I racked my brain for answers, calling out to Dark for help. He seemed to remember nothing more than leaving the house and Brent giving us the side-eye as we headed inside to work. After that, everything was a blur.

Finn cackled again, but it sounded more like a chortle mixed with a dying puppy. “Don’t you remember anything? What fucking good are you? Bring out the other one. At least he was fun.”


“You really don’t get it, do you? We’re not that different, you and me.” Finn got up close and personal in my space, placing his hands on either of my arms so that we were within breathing distance.

Those eyes seemed just a little too fake, a little too perfect. Was this Finn or just another game? “You’re threatening my men, and for what?”

“They need this. You’re distracting them. I’m just helping them understand that you’re in the way.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“I didn’t assume you would, not after that last incident.”

“You’re not the same person from last time.”

“Because that wasn’t Finn. I am.”

“But you look like—”

Finn shook his head, pressing a finger to my lips. I thought about biting it off, but that would have me beaten further than I could cope with. “I’d prefer you not finish that sentence. Now, let’s see if your men decide that I’m threat enough to rush over here. I gave them 15 minutes before I’d touch you again, but I’m feeling a little… antsy.”

I yelled for Dark to think of something, but he wasn’t much help. I pulled against my restraints, wondering why they were so goddamn loose, but I had little to no energy to truly get out of them.

Should we not have gotten involved with these men?

Fuck if I know. Sometimes there are just crazy people in the world.

Finn isn’t just crazy. He’s completely mental.

And we’re not? I still can’t find Killian, and that little corner he’s been scratching at is making things worse.

I didn’t respond as I stared at the man who called himself Finn pace around the room, whistling some happy tune like a B-movie villain. Time would tell if I got out of this alive, but I was pretty sure Finn was hiding something.



To say that I was furious didn’t even cut it. I stormed into that goddamn club, people giving me a wide berth as Slash trailed behind me. At this moment, we radiated every bit of the dark, murderous energy we had been hiding for so long. I didn’t fucking care. Finn had Killian, my lover.

He had called and taunted us, playing us like fiddles. I left Aeron at home, unable to even voice my thoughts. In retrospect, I should have brought him along. He would have been the only clearheaded one in the group, but I couldn’t breathe. I had seen red the moment I heard that man’s voice.

I busted open the first private room, seething as I stared at a kid standing over Killian. The kid swiveled around, those same honey-gold eyes meeting mine. He grinned, the sinister thought behind them radiating pure evil energy… This was Finn, wasn’t it?

“Hand him over, and no one gets hurt,” I growled.
