Page 64 of Ryker

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Finn just laughed. “I don’t think so. I gave you a job, and y’all thought I was fucking playing. I wasn’t. So get this. This juicy piece of ass stays with me until you complete your fucking job.” I thought about launching forward. Finn was half my size, but that knife he was brandishing in his hand was a lot closer to Killian’s neck than I would have liked.

He yanked the kid to his feet, hauling Killian past me and out the door. “I’m not fucking playing. Last chance. And remember, I know what you three are. You cross me, and I let everyone know what’s really going on with the bachelors in this city.”

I swallowed the cry in my throat, knowing that Finn had every advantage over me. He had my lover. He had my secrets. My eyes fell on the ropes now loosely wrapped around the chair. They weren’t pulled tight, which didn’t seem to add up. Not to mention that Finn’s voice sounded odd compared to the one we had heard on the phone.

“What’s the job? What does Finn want?” I turned to meet Slash’s eyes.

“My foster mother on a platter.” A deviant grin split across Slash’s lips and I could tell he was imagining every moment leading up to that woman’s last breath.

“Do it.”

His smile slipped momentarily at my command. “We’re just—” I had never fully released the reins with him, not where killing was concerned. Slash was a loose cannon–we all were when it came to our demons–but I tried to keep them on a short leash so we didn’t fall apart.

“He has our lover. Do it, or I will.” Killian was already falling apart. This was only going to aggravate the situation. If we weren’t careful, nothing would be left when we got him back.


I left you a present. Don’t tell me that I never gave you anything.

Finn’s text had said. I had no idea how the bastard kept flying under the radar, and being told what to do was getting really fucking old. However, having Casey handed to me on a silver platter wasn’t something I was going to say no to.

Finding Casey wasn’t hard, but killing a piece of my past because someone told me to do it at the expense of my lover’s life was a tad difficult. I stared at the frail woman as she struggled to breathe, settling on her knees in the spot where the real Finn had killed her wife.

Finn had given us enough details and instructions, but we were still wary that he was setting us up. Samael had assured us there were no cameras or listening devices, but I still didn’t trust the man who had dragged Killian away right before my eyes.

The woman before me twitched, her breathing labored as she stared back at me. I hadn’t bothered taping her mouth as I wanted to hear every last word and plea she’d use to try and change me. “Sweetie, this isn’t you. You’re sick. All of you.”

I mustered up a laugh as I twirled my favorite machete in my left hand. The shaking had smoothed out as the desire to filet the woman who had tortured me for so long grew. This was what I needed to soothe the darkness beneath the surface. And Finn had fucking known it.

“Save the speech, woman,” Aeron blurted out from my side. The other two had followed me as I dragged her in here, but I knew they wouldn’t stay for the entire ritual. This was the part where I found enjoyment. The next stage was Aeron’s. And the final stage – the clean-up – was Samael’s. It never changed, and I wasn’t sure it ever would.

We were all warped in our own ways, similar yet so very different.

I closed the distance between me and Casey, crouching by her withered form as my grin widened. My machete dragged along her cheek, bringing a trail of blood with it. “He’s got my Kitten. My Kitten. In exchange for him, all I have to give is you. Do you really think I would have chosen to spare your life?”

She whimpered, but I think she knew this was the end. “You’ll never forgive yourself.”

The other two burst out laughing, but I kept my composure as I leaned forward into her personal space. “Casey, don’t you know who I am? My M.O.? My kills are never quick. They are planned, thought out, and precise. I might be here to save my lover, but I will enjoy these next moments as I always do. This will not be quick. You will scream, and I will enjoy every last minute of the torture I draw from your lips.”

I stood back up to my full height as I unearthed my favorite scalpel, the very same one I had used to save her life.

Casey didn’t even have time to scream before I dug the scalpel into her arm and pulled down hard. Flesh ripped, tearing as I watched her mouth open, terrified sobs forced from her chest. My grin widened further as I continued tearing at the flesh, relishing the way crimson waterfalls poured from the wounds and pooled onto the floor. The resulting cries I received in response were everything I could imagine and more.

When the sound of a door closing behind me reached my ears, I knew I had been left alone with Casey. Pleasure ran through me as I stared at the woman of my nightmares – but no longer. I leaned close enough that my lips brushed against her ear, “Let the games begin.” And then I jabbed the scalpel into the other arm and began to work.

Oh, I am so going to enjoy this.


The job was done, Slash panting over his latest art piece. Much more residual anger was left behind in the heap than I thought his restraint would have allowed. The organs were still very much intact, but this was Casey, and I refused to have that meat in my house. I still hated the fact that Jenny’s lungs were in my fridge. Revenge eating never sat well with me. I was a cannibal, not a fucking monster.

Well… maybe I was both.

I snapped the picture and sent it to Finn, wrangling Slash from the warehouse so that Samael could have his moment to clean up the mess our resident serial killer had caused. Slash’s eyes were still glazed over when my phone rang, Finn’s voice filtering through the earpiece. “Shoulda done that a hella of a lot sooner. Fuck, you’re crazy as shit, and I love it. Your little boy’s at home, safe and sound. Well… safe. Enjoy.”

I didn’t wait for the other two as I raced home to draw Killian into my arms and never let him go.

