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Fox put his dagger away and smoothed his shirt. "Love is madness."

"Maybe, but it's the only madness worth having."

Fox rolled his eyes. "Get the intel and finish the mission."

"I always do." I and walked to the door, opening it. "I'm sure you have other business."

Fox smiled, the one that meant someone was going to die. "I do have another appointment."

Fox left, and I went to work. Jasmine was mine, and I’d defy Fox and all the entire Black Heart Society to keep her.


I arrived back at my apartment from running errands. I noticed the security door was actually fixed. I had to use my key to get into the building. When I stepped inside, Angel was talking to Miss Etta in 1F.

"Yeah, I heard somebody but the fear of God in his ass and told him he better get it fixed." She said.

"Good. About time. That man has been slacking for years. Angel said, What's up Jas?”

I said hi to Angel and Miss Etta. " Does anybody know who got him to fix the door?"

"No, nobody knows. But whoever it was scared him shitless. He's talking about making all kinds of repairs"

"I wish I'd been there to see it." Miss Etta chuckled.

I smiled, thinking of Wolf. He had done this for me. I just knew it. He wanted me to be safe. I thought it was sweet. But why? Nobody had ever given a damn about me except my father, and he was gone, locked away for life. At the museum, Wolf fucked me like he wanted to possess me. He said I was his, and I wanted to believe that was true.

I unlocked my apartment door and walked inside. I flopped down on the bed and thought about my life. Dumped in foster care when by mother when my relatives got tired of picking up her slack, passed from foster home to foster home unwanted and unloved. I was nothing more than a check to most of those people. I had dated a few guys, if you could call it that. They used me for sex and I used them to survive. I only ever trusted one of them enough to tell him my desires. He called me a freak and used it as an excuse to hurt me.

Wolf was different. I didn’t need to say a word, and he knew what I needed. He was dangerous, but I felt safe in his arms. A man like Wolf could break me.

I was falling fast. It wasn't like me. I was always cautious and guarded. But Wolf had a way of breaking down my defenses.He had changed me, and I wasn't sure if I could go back. I wasn't the same girl I was a few days ago. Now, I knew what it was like to have someone care about me, and I didn't want to give that up.

As I laid in bed, I wondered if he was thinking about me. If he was worried. The thought made me smile. I wonder what he'd done to Mr. Jackson. Did he get violent? Whatever it was, it was effective. I wondered if he hurt him. What would Wolf do if I told him how Mr. Jackson had tried to get me to fuck him for the rent? He would probably beat him half to death. The idea made my pulse quicken. Would Wolf kill him? I closed my eyes and pictured it. Jackson on his knees in front of Wolf begging for mercy, the way tenants begged for a few extra days to pay the rent.

Maybe there saw something wrong with me. Wolf was the kind of guy you were supposed to run from, but I didn’t want to run. If he was a hunter, I wanted to be his prey.It was the first time in my life that I didn't feel alone. I wasn’t going to let that go.

I couldn't wait to see Wolf again. Whatever he was working on made his schedule erratic at best and though we'd spoken on the phone, I hadn't seen him for a few days. I missed him, but tonight he was meeting me after work. I'd been thinking about his hands. I had never let anyone fuck me the way he had, but I wanted more. Wolf was the only man who ever make me come. I was addicted to him, and it scared me. What if he got tired of me, like everyone else did? I pushed the thought away. Maybe this was my karma for growing up without a home. Maybe this was my reward.

I pushed myself up off the bed. I needed to get ready for my shift at Eclipse. Tonight, it was going to be a sexy little black dress that made my ass pop. I pulled my braids into a high ponytail. I fixed my makeup and when Angel knocked on my door,, I was ready to go.

"Angel, I'm not going to need a ride home tonight, Wolf is picking me up?"

"Wolf? The guy who got into it with when that dude tried to put his hands on you.."

I nodded.

"Jas, you know if Vince catches you with a customer he'll fire you?"

"It's not like that. I ran into his at the new coffee shop. He's a nice guy." That was a lie. Wolf was nice to me. I wasn’t sure about anybody else.

Angel shook his head. "Jas, be careful, okay."

I knew that Angel was just looking out for me. "I will," I said, trying to reassure him.

We got in Angel's car and drove to the club.

My shift passed in a blur, partially because the club packed, and partially because I was excited to see Wolf.
