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I watched as a man entered the club, a briefcase in his hand. He was nervous and kept looking around. Odd. I think it’s time to go in.

I stepped out of my vehicle and crossed the street to the club's entrance. The bouncer was a tall Latino guy who gave me a once over as he checked my license. It's fake, but he'd never know. I have access to the best forgers in the business. He nodded and opened the thick black door of the club.

Inside, the club was hot and sticky, the smell of booze and sweat hung in the air. There was a large stage where a girl in nothing but a thong and platform heels was grinding on a pole. The club was packed, and there were waitresses carrying drinks to the tables. It's a typical strip club.

I found a table in a back corner that allowed me to watch the entire club. The man with the briefcase was sitting at a table in the opposite corner. A bald man with a beard escorts him to the back. I made a note of his face, certain I'd see it again. A waitress approached my table and I ordered a whiskey neat. When she returned with my drink, I tipped her well and told her I'd call her if I need her.

I watched, and I wondered if anyone at the club realized a monster was in their midst. I know they say monsters are made not born, but they never met me. I didn't remember a time when I didn't enjoy the satisfying snap of bone or the sweet metallic tang of blood. I was born for this. I was a monster from a long line of monsters, but unlike my grandfather and my father. I had a code.

My code was simple: never kill unless it was necessary. If someone needed to die, they would die. But it would be quick and clean. I knew I was a monster, but at least I didn't play with my food. I just took care of business.

That's why I was here. Business, I reminded myself as she emerged from the back room and stepped behind the bar. She was beautiful; her braids were pulled back into a high ponytail, and her dark brown skin shimmered under the lights. She was thee most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

I watched her as Vince gave her instructions. She was obviously new. She was stunning, and it had been a long time since a woman had caught my eye. I noticed the way she carried herself. She was confident, and her movements were deliberate. She was listening to him but at the same time watching the room. She seemed on guard, like she knew the world was dangerous. She wasn't wrong. I watched as she artfully dodged Vince's clumsy attempt to cop a feel. I made a note to break his fingers.

Her eyes locked with mine and for a moment, I was surprised. I wasn't used to being seen. I turned my attention back to the stage. I didn't need complications and the way she was making me feel was going to be a complication.

"You interested in a dance?" a blonde girl in a tight skirt asked.

I smiled. "No, thanks. Just enjoying the show."

"Let me know if you change your mind."

I nodded, and she moved to another table.

I kept looking back at the girl behind the bar. I wanted to see her up close. To talk to her. To smell her. I could feel it. The long-forgotten pull of desire. I shook my head. What was wrong with me? I was here to work, not chase some girl. Still, I couldn't help myself.I stood up and made my way to the bar.

She was graceful and efficient, tucking a loose braid behind her ear with one hand, pouring a drink with another. I watched as she handled the customers with ease. She wasn't afraid of anyone.

"What can I get you?" She asked, moving to stand in front of me waiting for my order.

I leaned in, catching a whiff of her scent. She smelled like cinnamon and honey. I wanted to devour her."Another whiskey and your name?"

She looked at me, her dark brown eyes flashing with annoyance. "I don't give out my name to customers."

"Then, a whiskey."

"Coming up."

She poured the drink and set it on the bar.

I put a hundred on the bar. "What's your name?" She wasn’t going to get away that easily.

"Imani. Look, if you're trying to get fucked. I'm not the one."

I smiled. She was fierce. "Both of those things are lies."


"Your name isn't Imani, and you are the one." I put another hundred on the bar.

She rolled her eyes and snatched the bill off the bar. "What's your name?"


"Now who's lying?" She folded her arms under across her chest and looked me up and down.

"Old family name."
