Page 19 of Encore with the CEO

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“I agree one hundred percent, Knox. I was heartbroken that I thought you didn’t want to have babies with me, but I also knew we had to talk about it. I tried not to jump to a conclusion and not ask you for clarification. I didn’t run.”

“You did good, Scarlett. We just have to keep being honest and open with each other we can make it through anything. I never want to be without you again. You’re meant for me.”

“Your mom said that.” I smile at this man I love so much. My heart beats in a rhythm that’s only for him.

“What did my mom say?”

“She said you were only meant for me, and I said that I was only meant for you.”

“My mom is a very wise woman,” he says and then kisses me silly.




“Why do you have a bag packed?” Scarlet asks when she gets out of the shower.

I’m temporarily distracted by the sight of her in nothing but a towel and don’t answer her question at first. She asks me again and I snap back to the present.

“Oh, we are going on a trip.”

“We are?” Scarlett shakes her head. “I’m going to work, and I don’t need a change of clothes for that.” She turns to grab a sexy panties and bra set out of her drawer.

We’ve been living together for a month and my favorite thing is watching her get dressed… and undressing her… and what happens once she’s undressed. I have a lot of favorite things about living with Scarlett.

“There’s been a change of plans.” I try giving her my best smile, but she’s not buying it.

“I need to know what’s going on, Knox. I’m supposed to be working today. I can’t just call Archer and say I’m going on vacation last minute.”

This is where it might get a little sticky. Our relationship is built on respect, communication, and not keeping secrets. But I’ve been keeping a doozy and it’s been with the help of her best friend and boss. I just hope that she’ll be so excited she’ll forgive me for a little rule breaking.

“Archer knows about our trip.” I brace myself for her to yell at me, but she laughs.

“Honey, I know. He told me I was taking two weeks off because of a required re-carpeting and repainting of our office. When I asked him who scheduled it, because that would’ve been my job, he said I was going on vacation and to enjoy the time with my damn man.”

“So, you’ve just been waiting for me to tell you?” I stalk toward her.

“I don’t know where we’re going or any details. I just knew I had the time off.”

“We leave in less than an hour.” I almost have her in my arms, but she jumps away.

“I haven’t even packed.” She starts to run around the bed, but I catch her and pull her body toward me.

“It’s already been done. Clara and Ivy did it. I think they bought you a bunch of new fancy stuff. Clara took my credit card. I’m pretty sure she bought some stuff for her upcoming vacation too.” If I told Scarlett all she needs are a few bathing suits and a sundress or two she would demand more answers.

“Good for Clara.”

I slant my mouth across hers and take whatever else she was going to say. The Uber is going to be at our place in forty-five minutes which gives me plenty of time to make my woman very relaxed for the long flight ahead.

I slowly remove the little scraps of silk and lace she just put on and show her just how much I love her.

After a long, but fun plane ride on Archer’s private jet we touched down in Fiji. Scarlett exits the plane in awe.

“We’re staying here for two weeks?” She looks around at everything with wide eyes as we put the bags in the car I hired to take us to the bungalow we’re staying in.

“Yes, on our own little slice of private beach. No siblings to pop in and no best friends or bosses wanting your time. Just you and me.”
