Page 13 of Vampire Secrets

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“I would die to keep you two safe, you know that,” he whispered, leaning close to me, so that now, our foreheads were touching. We remained like that for a moment, then he pulled away. “That was Constantine. I know it.”

I nodded. He was right.

“And the kings were here exactly because of him,” he revealed. “We spoke of a recent attack, and what we need to do.”

“What do you plan on doing?” I asked.

“They suggested a direct attack,” he replied.

“A surprise attack?”

He inhaled. “I wonder if it is even possible to surprise someone like Constantine. But one thing is for sure, this won’t stop. Until we stop him, no one is safe.”

I didn’t say anything to that. What was there to say?

With the last of Adrian's wounds tended to, I set aside the cloth and gently covered him with a fresh shirt. The battle-scared warrior who had fought to protect our kingdom was now a bit more at ease, and I could see the exhaustion in his eyes, despite the courage he had shown throughout the night.

“You should rest now,” I advised, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. “You’ve earned it.”

He shook his head. Why did I even think that he would listen to me?

“I can’t,” he replied. “There is too much to be done in the aftermath of this attack.”

He got up and walked over to the window. I followed him. Standing there, side by side, we gazed out at the courtyard below. The daylight had fully enveloped the scene, revealing the aftermath of this intense battle that had raged throughout the entire night.

The courtyard was marked by the signs of struggle. Broken weapons and discarded shields littered the cobblestone ground. Patches of scorched earth bore testament to the vampires' retreat in the face of the strengthening dawn. A few guards moved about, surveying the area and beginning the process of cleaning and repairing the damage.

In the midst of the destruction, there was an undeniable sense of resilience. Our castle had withstood the assault, and our defenders had fought valiantly to protect our home. The rising sun, now high in the sky, cast its reassuring light on the scene, a symbol of hope and renewal.

“I’ll send word of the attack to the other kings,” Adrian told me. “They need to remain vigilant, because it is possible that they are next.”

He smiled at me, then gave me a tender peck on the cheek. “Thank you for tending to my wounds, my queen.”

“Always, my king,” I replied, feeling a tidal wave of love for him.

Even after all this time, I still drew all my strength from him, and with each passing day, our bond seemed to grow stronger and stronger.

“Don’t let Cass out until it’s all cleared,” he reminded me. “I don’t want her to worry her little head.”

“Of course, not,” I smiled at his thoughtfulness. “I’ll keep her inside until it’s all finished.”

He smiled again, then left the library. I picked up the medical supplies and placed them back into the white box, marked with a red cross. Then, I made my way to our bedroom, to see whether Cass was awake. I didn’t want to risk her waking up and looking out of the window.

Chapter Nine


I walked out into the courtyard, seeking out Commander Leopold, to discuss the aftermath of the vampire attack and the casualties we had endured. I found him talking to one of the guards. As soon as he saw me, he dismissed the guard and approached me. His face bore the weight of responsibility as we exchanged a solemn look.

“How does it look?” I asked, realizing that he already had a preliminary report, having spoken to the guards and overseen the clean up of the courtyard.

“The casualties were fewer than they could have been, but we did lose some good men,” he told me, his voice reflecting the sadness of our losses. They were his men, the men he had taught everything, the men who stood by his side defending the castle and everyone in it. “The guards fought bravely,” he continued. “And their sacrifice helped protect the castle.”

I nodded, feeling a deep sense of bravery for our defenders. “We’ll make sure that their families are taken care of. They won’t be forgotten.”

Leopold’s unwavering loyalty to the late king and now to me was evident in his response. “As you command, Your Highness. I believe that is the right thing to do. We’ll also need to assess the damage to the castle’s defenses and make necessary repairs.”

I acknowledged the importance of this task. “We can take a quick look now,” I suggested.
