Page 15 of Vampire Secrets

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I chose a nook near a towering bookshelf in the library, blending into the shadows, while Lilith found her hiding place behind a heavy tapestry in the corridor. Cass’ laughter echoed throughout the castle as she searched for us. Her footsteps padded down the corridors, and the sound of her little voice echoed all around us.

“Mommy? Daddy?” she chuckled again. “I will find you!” Her words brought a smile to my face.

As she got closer, I could hear her soft breath and the anticipation in her voice. Her giggles grew louder as she approached Lil’s hiding place, and I knew she was getting close to finding her. Finally, after much laughter and playful banter, Cass discovered our hiding places, her eyes alight with victory. We continued this game for the next hour, then after we assured ourselves that the courtyard looked untouched, we took Cass outside. Her favorite thing to do was to pick flowers and make wreaths.

The day passed quickly, as those days usually did, and soon enough, Lil and I found ourselves in Cass’ bedroom, bidding her goodnight. She was nestled under her soft blankets, her eyes already heavy with sleep. The gentle glow of a bedside lamp cast a warm and inviting shadow. I approached the bed, with Lil close behind me. Cass looked up at us with a drowsy smile, her little face radiating innocence.

I bent down and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. “Sleep well, my love,” I told her, for some reason, my voice on the verge of breaking. I tucked the blankets around her, ensuring she was cozy. “Dream of adventures and happy moments, Cass,” I added, my heart full of love for our daughter.

Cass, with her drooping eyelids, mumbled a contented response, and her small hand reached out to mine. I squeezed it back, but it quickly went limp. She had fallen asleep momentarily. Lil and I glanced at each other, unable to stop smiling. Then, we tiptoed out of the room, closing the door gently behind us.

We headed back to our bedroom. It had been a long day. Lilith took a quick shower, and now, she was seated before her vanity table, combing her hair with a serene grace. The soft, golden lamplight bathed her in a warm, radiant glow, casting delicate highlights across her features.

The rhythmic sound of the comb passing through her hair filled the room, a soothing melody that matched the peacefulness of the moment. Lilith's eyes, reflected in the mirror before her, held a quiet, contemplative beauty, and her lips curved into a gentle smile as she worked.

Her hair, flowing like silk between her fingers, framed her face in an elegant cascade, and I marveled at the effortless elegance she exuded. Each stroke of the comb seemed like a caress, a reflection of the love and care she bestowed upon herself.

Our eyes met in the reflection of the mirror. She smiled at me. “What is it?” she wondered.

“Nothing,” I said, mesmerized. “You are… stunning.”

“In my cotton nightgown?” she joked.

“In anything,” I assured her, walking over to her and pressing both of my hands on her shoulders. I inhaled deeply, searching for the right words to tell her something. She could sense it immediately.

“There is something on your mind,” she noticed.

“There is,” I confirmed. “The witch.”

She paused in her combing, her reflection in the mirror expressing a mixture of concern and understanding. “What about her?”

“You were right,” I said simply. “If there is a chance that the scroll is true, that there is this vital information that could affect us all, our kingdom, our family… we need to know. We need to be sure.”

She got up and turned to face me. “We will go together. If there are answers to be found, we’ll seek them side by side. I won’t let you face this journey alone.”

Her words filled my heart with gratitude and warmth. In that moment, I was reminded once again why I was doing all this. I reached for her hand, our fingers intertwining, and smiled. “Thank you, Lil. With you by my side, we can face anything that comes our way.”

I caressed her cheek. She closed her eyes. She had never been more beautiful than she was now, with her flowing golden hair and her vulnerability.

“I love you so much,” she whispered tenderly upon opening her eyes.

“I love you, too,” I replied, moments before she crashed her lips against mine with all the fervor she had to give.

Chapter Ten


He cupped my nape, pulling me closer, guiding my head back, while his lips slammed against mine. My need for him was immediate. It was all-consuming. My body yearned for him, and his own body mirrored that same desire. I kissed him back as fiercely as I could, opening my mouth, welcoming him in. My hands clutched at his shoulders. We were so close, yet I could feel that I couldn’t get him close enough.

As his body pressed against mine, I could feel his arousal. His hard cock was pressing against my lower abdomen. I wanted us both completely naked, I wanted my hair spread over his body, while he took me, claimed me, made me his over and over again.

He nipped my lower lip, bringing me back to the present moment, making me feel everything twice as potent. I licked into his mouth, demanding more of everything that he wanted to give me. My hands grabbed his body, traversing it, feeling his hard muscles underneath the palms of my hands. My fingers trailed his shoulders, down his upper arms.

We kissed each other until I could feel my own mouth tender and swollen from the pressure, from the force of our passion. Yet, neither of us had any intention of stopping. We had only just begun. His lips traveled down my jaw, licking a thin, invisible line down my neck, to my ear. There, he tugged at my earlobe, as a completely new surge of pleasure electrified my entire body.

“Adrian…” I moaned softly, unable to resist saying his name.

“Do you want me?” he asked, kissing down my throat.
