Page 20 of Vampire Secrets

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With utmost care, she placed the jar on the wooden table between us. The liquid within was almost ebony in hue, its surface appearing as though it held secrets that spanned centuries. The jar itself was adorned with intricate symbols and carvings. I wondered what they all meant, but I possessed no knowledge of whatever language they were written in. The only thing I could be sure of was that those intricate symbols were a testament to the significance of the jar’s contents.

As the witch seated herself once more, her eyes bore into the jar, her expression a blend of reverence and purpose. We watched with a sense of anticipation, understanding that what lay within the jar held the potential to further illuminate the mysteries of our quest.

“This…” Lorna started, speaking slowly, giving us time for the words to fully settle, “is the blood of Constantine’s grandmother.”

I exchanged a glance with Adrian, our surprise evident. How on earth did she come into possession of something like that? I was afraid to even ask, yet I knew that we needed to continue along this path, because that was the only way to find out the truth.

“Her name was Seraphina, and she was a powerful figure among her kind.”

I couldn’t even begin to imagine the storm of emotions that was brewing inside my husband. On the surface, he was endeavoring to remain calm, but I knew that there was a whirlwind in his mind as well as heart.

“How… did it come to be in your possession?” Adrian asked, unable to keep his mouth shut about this.

“Seraphina’s blood had always been a carefully guarded secret, hidden away in the darkest recesses of history,” Lorna explained, although this explanation awakened even more questions. “I helped her one time. She was riding through the woods, when she fell off her horse. As it turned out, it was an assassination attempt by one of their enemy vampire clans. Her horse was enchanted, and when it arrived at the designated place, it threw her off. She fell on her head, lingering between life and death afterwards for many days. Fortunately, I found her just in time, and brought her here. I tended to her until she was well enough to go back home.”

Adrian interupted. “You stole her blood?”

“Adrian!” I exclaimed in shock.

She didn’t like the sound of his words. Not one bit. “I have never stolen a single thing in my life, young vampire. So you’d best watch your tongue and who you accuse of what.”

Adrian didn’t say anything to that. He looked down at his feet, and Lorna continued.

“I asked for some of her blood,” Lorna clarified. “Vampire blood is known for its healing properties. I am a witch. I need all the ingredients of this world that I can find.”

She took the little jar into her old, withered hands, turning it, inspecting it closely. “I have never used it, though. Never had the need to.”

“Is it still good?” I asked. “Will it give us the answer we need?”

She lifted her gaze to meet mine. “You’d best hope it does, Queen Lilith. Because like your vampire husband said, the other option is a suicide mission.”

She got up again, taking a small bowl and a clean knife, handing it to Adrian. “Here,” she said. “Just a little will do.”

Adrian didn’t hesitate. I watched with concern as the blade met his skin, causing a small, deliberate cut. A few drops of blood welled up, as he allowed them to fall into the bowl. His face was expressionless, as we all focused on the dripping blood.

“Enough,” Lorna instructed, handing him a clean towel.

“It’s fine,” Adrian murmured, wiping his hand against his pants, leaving a bloody mark. “Now what?”

“Now, we mix the two bloods,” she explained, opening the jar that contained Seraphina’s blood. She hesitated before pouring, as if regretting losing this precious ingredient.

Finally, the two bloods merged, and the liquid immediately began to react, swirling and changing as Seraphina’s blood absorbed Adrian’s, turning even darker. It was a profound and undeniable revelation.

The witch’s voice held a quiet but unmistakable certainty as she stated the following words. “The merging of these bloods reveals the truth: Constantine and Adrian share the same mother.”

The gravity of the revelation hung in the air, filling the room with a profound sense of understanding. Adrian and I exchanged a look that conveyed a mix of fear and realization. We had uncovered a familial connection that transcended the boundaries of our knowledge, a bond that would alter the course of our kingdom’s history.

The scroll’s prophecy and the mysteries it held now took on an even deeper significance. We had unlocked a key to our past, and the implications of this shared ancestry were far-reaching, promising to reshape our understanding of our family and our kingdom. But worst of all, it was the revelation of a new fear.

Did Constantine know this already or was it a secret from him as well? If he didn’t know yet, what would he do when he found out? There were millions of a questions, and not a single answer.

“Adrian?” I called out to him, because he seemed completely lost in time and space. His body was here, but his mind was not. “Adrian?” I called out his name again. This time, he heard me, but his eyes were vacant.

“The truth you have uncovered is a profound one,” Lorna felt the need to interfere and I was grateful to her for that. “It will undoubtedly shape your future, and the future of all those around you. You must consider the implications carefully.”

Adrian didn’t say anything to that. He still just sat there, looking as if his mind had gone to a different place, leaving his body behind.

She continued, offering her sage advice. “The scroll’s prophecy hints at a destiny that is intertwined with your kingdom’s fate. To fulfill that destiny, you must delve deeper into its secrets and embrace the legacy of your shared bloodline.”
