Page 35 of Vampire Secrets

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I was inside of her completely. Deep, hard. Filling her to the very brim, as her heavenly breasts bounced up and down. I didn’t even know I was so hungry for her, so desperate. This yearning heightened my every sense, as my hips met hers thrust for thrust. She slammed her butt onto me balls deep each time, until we both came together, at the same time. She didn’t get up, allowing me to spill my hot seed into her, while her pussy tightened around my cock.

Neither of us wanted to move for a long time. We just kept gazing at each other lovingly, when she rolled off of me and into my arms. She was still breathing heavily, her breasts pressed against my chest. It was pure perfection. Our fingers intertwined. In that moment, the world seemed to fade away.

I was unable to take my eyes off of her, while she closed hers, listening to the steady sound of my heart beating just for her. I watched her fall asleep, until her breathing had steadied, and her body relaxed. I leaned to kiss her forehead gently, then I, too, fell asleep, overwhelmed by the events of the previous couple of days.

It was this love that would weather every storm, a love that had already brought us through different trials and revelations which tested the bonds of our family. We had passed the test. We would always pass the test. Knowing that, I knew we were prepared for whatever the future might hold.

Chapter Twenty-Two


It was exactly four months after the fateful events at the old mill. Everyone had learned of them, the human kings, the vampire kings. Everyone had offered their congratulations, their gratitude for changing the course of our world.

Everything was ready for the big meeting. It was to take place in the grand hall of the castle, and the guests had all arrived. The anticipation was palpable in the castle. The grand hall had been meticulously prepared for the occasion. Long, wooden tables were set with fine silverware and exquisite dishes, a symbol of the unity and diplomacy that this great gathering represented. The banners of the human and vampire kingdoms adorned the walls, a reminder of the delicate and crucial balance we aimed to maintain.

I was still in my room, standing before the gilded mirror, the soft glow of the vanity table’s lights casting a warm radiance upon me. Adrian and I were to appear at the grand hall for the meeting at any moment, and it was paramount that I appeared every bit the queen of our castle and my husband’s wife.

My golden hair, a cascade of flowing waves, had been meticulously styled to frame my face. A tiara, adorned with glistening gemstones, perched delicately upon my head. Its weight was a reminder of the responsibility I bore as a leader. The gown I wore was an elegant masterpiece, its deep blue hue accentuating my fair complexion. The bodice was intricately embellished with delicate silver embroidery that shimmered in the light. The fabric flowed gracefully, falling to the floor in a cascade of silk and satin.

My eyes, a shade of deep green, were highlighted with subtle makeup, and my lips wore a shade of regal crimson. The reflection in the mirror was that of a queen ready to face the challenges of diplomacy and peace. As I took a long look at myself, the tiara and gown, I breathed a determined sigh. It was not just my appearance that needed to be regal, but my demeanor, as I represented our castle and family in the grand hall.

As I thought of the word family, a twinge of regret tugged at my heart. I wished that they were here. My father, my mother, my sister. They had been the pillars of my life, guiding me with their wisdom and love. It felt unfair not to have them here to witness this pivotal moment that we had all been working so hard for.

Though they were absent in the physical sense, I carried their memories and teachings with me. The strength and grace they had instilled in me served as a source of inspiration. I was determined to make them all proud, to uphold the legacy of our family, and to carry their spirits with me as I navigated the challenges of leadership and diplomacy.

At that moment, a gentle knock on the door interrupted my reflections, and as I turned to answer, the door swung open.

“Adrian,” I smiled at him, his presence a reassuring sight.

He hesitated there, lingering by the door, unable to take his eyes off of me. “You look… breathtaking,” he said with a warmth in his eyes that melted any lingering doubts and anxieties that I might have had up until that moment.

“Thank you,” I walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek.

“Are you ready, my love?” he asked, although I was sure that he already knew my answer.

His question hung in the air for a moment, and then, I met his gaze with a resolute nod.

“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life,” I told him. “This is what my father and mother had been dreaming of. I’m just sad that they aren’t here to witness it, because we wouldn’t have been able to do it without them.”

“They can see all,” he told me with a smile. “They see you and they are proud of the woman you have become, of what you have managed to do. Never doubt that.”

I smiled back at him, embracing him gently. “How did I get so lucky to have you by my side?”

“I keep asking myself that very same question,” he replied, whispering into my ear.

When we pulled away, he was still holding my hand. “Shall we?” he asked.

“Yes,” I nodded.

As we made our way down the corridor toward the grand hall, a sense of unity and purpose washed over us. The weight of the grand meeting’s significance was undeniable, but we walked with a shared determination and a sense of optimism that couldn’t be dimmed. Every couple of seconds, he would squeeze my hand, and I would squeeze it back.

A faint smile graced our lips, an unspoken affirmation of our bond that would never be broken. I could hear the castle’s grand hall beckoning to us, urging for new beginnings and that was exactly what we had all gathered here for. Within these walls, diplomacy and unity would take center stage as we continued to work towards a future of cooperation and peace between our two realms.

We stood before the doors, then the two guards pushed them open for us.

With a deep, determined inhale, we entered the grand hall, where the atmosphere was electric with anticipation. The moment their eyes fell upon us, the sound of applause filled the air, and everyone in attendance rose to their feet, a show of respect and recognition for what we had done. I tried my best not to cry, to banish the tears but it was hard, because the sight that awaited us was something my parents had always dreamed of.

In the hall, humans and vampires stood side by side, a striking display of their togetherness. Dignitaries from both realms had gathered, each representing their people with a sense of purpose and determination. The humans, dressed in regal attire, wore expressions of hope and diplomacy. Their attire ranged from traditional gowns and suits to more modern, formal wear, and their faces carried a mixture of curiosity and readiness for the discussions to come. Beside them, the vampires exuded an air of ancient elegance and sophistication. Their attire, while equally regal, bore a touch of the supernatural. Their expressions ranged from stoicism to intrigue, reflecting the unique blend of history and power that defined their kind.
