Page 58 of Octavius's Oath

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Her fingers thread in my hair, and she sighs while her sweet and flowery scent fills me, urging me to take her far away from here and place her on my satin sheets to indulge in her body for hours. I want to listen to her moans and whimpers as I drive into her hard, staking my claim with each thrust.



Even forever doesn’t seem to be enough when it comes to my woman. The possessive beast within me exists for her, craving to fucking destroy anyone who so much as breathes in her direction because everything of hers is mine.

That includes the air she breathes.

I thought I was insane before, but I was wrong. I knew no true insanity until my eyes landed on her.

“Octavius,” she whispers, rubbing her chin on my shoulder and pressing her lips to my neck, making me squeeze her tighter and earning another moan.

However, reality sinks into me and reminds me about the monster still roaming the streets. The one who wishes for my woman’s blood, conspires against her, and threatens her every chance he gets.

A monster who sees her as my weakness and will use her against me.

As I hold her in my arms, though, all this loses its meaning because I can protect her better than anyone. I’ll lock her inside my castle and build a fortress around her so no one even thinks of hurting her.

Whatever I want, I get.

Reining in my instincts brought us only misery.

The minute the thoughts enter my mind, I catch my reflection in the window.

The hideous, scarred reflection reminds me of my oath and past as various agonizing voices scream in my head.

I forgot.

Willing all my control, I slowly put her back on the floor. She lets me go, leaning back and smiling at me, but she freezes when she notices my expression. “What’s wrong?” She must feel exposed under my silence because when I step back, she quickly grabs her clothes and starts to put them on. I hate the vulnerability and uncertainty polluting the air when she sends questioning glances my way. “You’re kind of freaking me out.” Her laughter sounds strained, and she starts moving toward me, but I step farther back, and she stills, panic filling her gaze. “Octavius?”

“We finally got it out of our systems.”

Her mouth opens and closes before she whispers, “What?”

“We had sex. Now both of us can go our separate ways. We both got what we wanted.”

“I don’t understand.”

Looking straight into her eyes, I utter the words that taste like poison, and I hate them with a passion as they dim her light and pain flashes in her eyes. “You were a great lay, kitten. Now get the hell out.” I tap at my wristwatch as I adjust my clothes. “Like I said. I’ve wasted enough time on this.”

Without saying anything, she spins around and darts to the door, leaving and shutting it so carefully, I barely resist the need to run after her and apologize for these horrible words.

I’ve committed countless crimes over the years, yet I never hurt an innocent or felt guilty.

Until tonight.

And the worst part?

Of all people, I hurt my woman.

That should be a sign.

No one can be happy with a beast.

Inevitably, if they look hard enough, they will see what hides underneath our harsh exteriors.

And no one deserves to see my horrible past.
