Page 95 of Octavius's Oath

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They all hated me and despised looking at me, but I couldn’t give two shits about it since I paid them generously and never forced them to face me, avoiding any sense of intimacy.

When it comes to Isla, though, I cannot imagine the act without any intimacy.

As my dark being wishes to be near her and worship her body on my sheets for hours, listening to her gasps of pleasure echoing through my house that knew nothing but sorrows.

I need to learn every inch of her body, finding out all her sensitive spots and claiming her in the most primal way so she has no doubt she belongs to me.

So other men will cease to exist for her, because there will never be another man who wants or cherishes her more than I ever will.

Despite all that, though…she betrayed me tonight.

The fire inside her burns brightly for me, her eyes begging me to make it all better and soothe the inferno consuming her, urging her to run away from me because my presence alone makes me relive her nightmares.

My fists clench just thinking about the fucker playing with her mind so much, damaging my pure and innocent creature.

He made her like me, and for this alone, he deserves death.

I open my mouth to give them the answer, when Santiago’s phone rings, and he picks it up. “Querida.” Softness coats his tone, so even without the endearment, we’d know it was Briseis. He doesn’t bother being nice and gentle to anyone else. “I see.” He glances at me and sighs. “Your future wife refuses to come here. I believe the exact phrase she used is ‘He can go fuck himself if he thinks I’ll do it.’”

Well, she made my choice easy, hadn’t she?


“As a little girl, I dreamed about marrying a prince who would love me with all his heart.

How ironic.

Because I’m not marrying a prince.

I’m marrying a man who’s drawn so much from his vices, they consumed him.

And as such, he has nothing but darkness to offer.”



“We really need to get going, Isla.”

“I won’t go.”

“They’re waiting for us.”

“They are? Well, tough luck.” Briseis drops on the bed, her dress crumpled from all the clenching she’s done in the past hour. “You shouldn’t worry so much. You already told them I’m not going.”

Octavius can argue until he turns blue, but I won’t go to a place that sends me falling down the abyss where only my pain and agonizing screams remain, taking me back to the one defining moment in my life where evilness wiped away my whole family.


I’m weak and cornered in this marriage, but I still have self-preservation, and it urges me to stand my ground and refuse this, probably Octavius’s punishment anyway.

If he stalked me like Florian said he did, then he knows better than anyone how such a possibility hurts me.

“He didn’t sound pleased.” I laugh at this, although it lacks any humor, and she casts me a worried glance as she adjusts the blanket over a sleeping Jimena. She barely spared me a glance when I entered, and Michelle started to work on my hair and makeup yet again. The girl is clearly exhausted from her pregnancy, and that’s why she gets a huge pass in all this madness. Plus, she’s related to Santiago, so she probably loves them and excuses them all.

Family before anyone else and all that jazz.

Now Briseis is a whole different story altogether. “I don’t really care how the dark four feel about my actions.”
